Daily Archives: August 24, 2016

Friendship Between Parents

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The family is one of the most important assets that has a human being, in fact, explains psychologist Bernabe Tierno as much that will change society in the future, the concept of family as love and recognition group won’t change ever. I.e., need to have an emotional support both in the good times as bad to share experiences vital, and above all, as says Victor Frankl to discover a meaning to life. Family is built through love, through mutual recognition, i.e. solidarity, empathy, however, the friendship between parents and children must not exist during the early years of children’s lives. I.e., the smallest of the House need to see on his parents to a benchmark and not friends. Parents must educate and form, but not make colleagues as explained some people. However, with the passage of time, and the growth of the children, the relationship is changing towards a land of equality. With the addition of children to the labour market, their autonomy and their maturity, is created a special relationship that can be more rewarding because at that moment, there is also friendship as well as love.

After a certain age, children have conversations with their parents who are unthinkable during adolescence, for example. On the other hand, they also make plans together and enjoy their leisure time. Without a doubt, it’s a very special relationship since sometimes, parents have to make a genuine effort to assume that their children are getting older and are growing. I.e. they tend to constant over-protection since the umbilical cord is a metaphorical sign of that special union which exists between mothers and children throughout life.

Parents are disinterested, generous and kind people with children to the end of forgiving their mistakes a thousand times. In fact, one of the most dramatic situations experienced by a person at any time is precisely the loss of their parents.During infancy the death of parents is one of the ideas that most frightens children. It is a farewell that It involves a deep pain while parents are people who want to end and as we also grow we will taking more aware of the great work being done in education, training and emotional. Without a doubt, it is worth enjoying the present and appreciate the time to live in the company of those we want as if it were the best gifts. A gift of life that beats in the human heart. It is clear that love and friendship are two gifts that are worth. Why you do not neglect your family ties and also encourage you to participate in Mobifriends.com to enjoy the enchantment that has to share the time with others and having the soul open to the world.


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Luele, garotinha rebellious Luele as the other children, was taken to the school for its mother in the first day of lessons. The patio was full of mothers and children who made of that place an environment with much racket. All waited to know for where they would be led, salinha that it would be prepared for each one of them. Some children played, cried out others cried, therefore it was a new environment and them they did not want of form some to be there. Luelle was one of these children who cried without stopping, such age the panic of being left there by its mother, alone in the way of those unknown children.

finally arrives the moment where it is taken off of the arms of its mother and debtor to follow with whom she would be its teacher, Bad aunt. To far the shouts of Luelle could hear, but its mother was even so and now it would be on account of the teacher who would take care of of it. Michael Chabon shines more light on the discussion. The days if had passed and after insistence of the mother, Luelle at last gets used with the idea to pass some hours in a classroom. What Bad aunt could not imagine is that Luelle would bring to it as many problems. The other children did not like it, therefore it did not loan its material, fought with all and liked to place nicknames in coleguinhas of classroom. Whenever it allowed somebody it to participate of some trick, some child has left crying, and Luelle was always the reason of the problems. One day, however Luelle was to the attraction of the day and reason of laugh for all the children of the room. It so arrived with the cut hair curtinho that menininho seemed one.

All had laughed when seeing its new appearance. Its mother counted for the teacher who had that to cut the hair of the son, because it did not like to comb the hair. In that day Luelle if she felt very badly, she cried and she can perceive as he was complicated to be reason of laughs, chacotas and never more decided to imply with its amiguinhos of the room. Of that day in ahead, Luelle started to be a good girl, learned to respect its coleguinhas and to be friend of all. Ah it started to comb the hair!