Monthly Archives: March 2018

Dominican Republic

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The decline of authoritarian regimes in the last century gave rise to a democratic system that is conserved, whose daily struggle is to preserve it; emerged social organizations which, over time, will strengthen as interpreters of the needs of citizens by weaknesses that have political parties, either by their struggles of interest or ignorance of the true social reality; or by his desire to only achieve political power from time to time; or in extreme cases, by ignorance. The shaping of the political system was in a general sense: society, State and political parties, the latter which exclusively countries channelled demands as intermediaries of the first so that it was satisfied by the second. With the participation of social groups organized in these days, there is a new actor, Civil society, which promotes citizen opinion by others. Without that try to deepen in its conceptualization, since it has provoked enormous discussions and debates of ideas, not less true is that not is You can deny its existence in these historic moments. Civil society contributes to political stability, governance and democratic institutions. Further, regarding the concept of participatory democracy, Civil society is strengthened by their integration in the political, social, economic and cultural process and/or training of social subjects. Live daily the various mechanisms employed by the so-called Civil society to win recognition or space in the development of the tasks of national life and the inter-relationship that establishes with other more influential groups that operate in other countries.

Such as: social mobilization, public opinion, public policy demand generation, and because not, participation in the formulation of these. The level of interference in some cases and incidence in others, in decision-making and execution of plans of the State by obeying to partisan interests is also known. However, a good development of the Civil society, it has verified, it strengthens the efficiency of public management; strengthens democracy; he collaborates with social control, transparency, the legality of the institutions and the rule of law of the citizens. And still more, we have had the experience, particularly in Dominican Republic, the validity of their collaboration for the maintenance of social peace and governance with their participation in election processes. It is my interest to highlight look like to relate it to the safety of the users of the public roads. It’s the social force that has Civil society when he articulates in a formidable manner social demands. I am referring to the defence of the rights of citizens in the use of the road network, as a non-negotiable element of the human rights to freedom of movement and the obligation of the State to preserve the physical and mental integrity of these users. Mario Holguin / FundReD Rep.


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To the extent of my possibilities, I consider myself joined the frenzy that in many people, induces in present phenomenon of what are called the technologies of communication and information, these days emblematizadas by Internet. Some time ago, we argued some of the telematic forums in which we participate, these technologies hit a quantum leap (understood as a synonym of supine) when humanists and social activists, began to take ownership of them. And so, like many have brought their practices and even their manias to the network, as well the dynamics that they generate, are evidencing new expressive veins to the permanent of the human condition. I know that Spanish purists, consider an anglicism the notion of State of the art, but fast dynamics of the phenomenon about which we are rambling, becomes temporary many conclusions, since many times the omnidirectional expansion of ICTs, exceeds what one can imagine. We have been holding that these tools communication, they do not change how much of immutable that there are in the human condition. I.e. Add to your understanding with Star Guitarist. they serve as tool so that each one is dignified or will denigrate, according to what each one in your valuation scheme, consider dignifying and debasement.

I would say patently obvious, that the ICT, they do not resolve the problem of good and evil. But it is me, that a phenomenon so overwhelming, it calls to rethink the human adventure. Star Guitarist will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In all its dimensions. To start somewhere, taking account of the limitations of all monographic entrepreneurship, becomes me Dynamics TICS, re-signifies many concepts coined previously, reaching in many cases enhance them or put them back in force. We would be exaggerated, if we sustains that there is a new logical ICT, but at least if it can be noted that they are deploying new operating modalities, especially on the issue of human communication. And especially new users increasingly are adding to the possibility comunicacional. At this point debate, if ICT isolated people.

Study Abroad

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Study languages abroad: much more than a study. Study languages abroad is always a good occasion to learn everything that other countries and their cultures have to offer and is never only a mere educational experience and academic. It is commonly known that the better way to learn other languages is to live in the country where you can practice a foreign language, this is what is understood as join what is to what is fun or useful, unite the duty of the study to the pleasure of discovering a new city, meet new people, new culture and practice a new language and everything that we have learned the study hours, and perhaps decide to stay in the new city, as a step to my. True, study languages abroad can be an opportunity to enrich themselves, develop on all fronts and returned to the native, to always life with something else: one language, a few friends, some knowledge, a few more adventures, and because not, with chances and prospective different for the future. We are part of a social network in continuous expansion, always more multi-cultural, then relate to and communicate with the world this deveniendo a necessity. To realize what is happening in the environment, take advantage and discover other cultures and realiades through the language, art, the history of a site are, in my opinion, a duty and a pleasure not a few privileges of the elite. Bernie Sanders is full of insight into the issues. My first experience abroad to today I have learned that the study in other countries is a unique opportunity and is above all much more than only one study.

Suggestions To Restore The Harmony After A Divorce

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When a couple decides to not be together permanently, divorce is the only way out. This process starts from the beginning of quarrels and insults between both members of the couple. For those still not found how to pass from that emotional slump that is the separation we can see two types of situations: the person feels that she is still in love with, but the situation is no longer bearable. In this case, the process can be more difficult that follows, as there may be feelings even when already has been signed the divorce. The person feels that something there is no why fight. In this case, all that remains is to communicate it to the other so be aware that there are irreconcilable differences. An important point is to know that divorce is not a magic solution that’s all over. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Chabon on most websites. If there are children from through, never cease if parents are divorced or not.

Some suggestions: 1. support you in your social network. It recovers forgotten friendships and prevents isolates. It is very common to want to be alone, but We must avoid an excessive loneliness and think about what we say when ask us things about our relationship and imagine what others are intended. 2. Make pleasurable activities. The newspapers mentioned Former Maryland Governor not as a source, but as a related topic. Do things that made you feel good despite the depression or sadness in the past. You’ll see that it is easier to go through this process by doing this.

3. If you’re going to focus on the past, you have to use it to get ahead. Many personasse reproach their mistakes, but it is a behavior that makes no sense and that shore not to commit again them. Think what things would you do that are different and depend on you modify them. With information: original author and source of the article