Monthly Archives: March 2019

Software Development Department

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Software for metal construction companies of Schuco at BAU 2013 Bielefeld. On the construction of 2013, the Schuco service GmbH shows the possibilities of the latest SchuCal generation. The software for metal construction companies now has an intuitive user interface and SchuCal projects can be accessed with mobile devices such as iPhones or iPads. Get more background information with materials from Martin O?Malley. Schuco service trains its customers to make such software solutions. Schuco service desk team is supporting the page remaining questions. These performances are part of a comprehensive training, consulting and support services, which differentiates the company from its competitors.

2013 At bau2013 In the fall of 1972 the Schuco service GmbH as a wholly owned Schuco started learn more about Schuco on the construction in the order cost estimate and BOM creation by computer to support subsidiary with three employees and the idea of unique at that time, our own metal construction customers. Today the established company maintains its own Software Development Department and employs one hundred IT specialists who can look back on an impressive continuous industry success story. The Schuco service GmbH has developed into a global provider of software and hardware in forty years. So is the best spreadsheet software from SchuCal in over twenty languages and is used in over 65 countries. With its innovative idea of founding the Schuco service GmbH from the outset a pioneering role in the development of software for metal construction companies for expanded claims and continuously”, explains Dr. Dirk Meyerhoff, Managing Director of Schuco service GmbH, in retrospect. He supports this statement by two examples: in 1991, Schuco service as first company in the industry could present a control software for CNC machining centers. Also in the 1990s Schuco service introduced a software, with the metal construction companies for the first time their two-dimensional designs three-dimensional represent could.” Today, the requirements are much more diverse.

The Morale Is Good! (Verdun) – Painting By Christine Keruth

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Professional and art at EMCC, Eva Mussener consulting & coaching under the motto profession and art organized a series of exhibitions with the aim of, people from business and art to bring the Berlin consultant Eva Mussener in her Office. The title of the exhibition of the moral is good!”is taken from a picture postcard from the first world war, where a child in French uniform on a German Pickelhaube pees. The military postal service served the propaganda bogeymen to cultivate and maintain the moral support for the war. A visit to the battlefields of Verdun was and is the occasion for a series of works in which terror and violence of war immediately opens up for the artist Christine Keruth. Discovered people than schemes, forms of equipment and vehicles on closer inspection the viewer behind the coincidence of color flow and fleckenhaften agglomerations.

The total cool color palette is almost cut again bright and blazing signals and let the Inferno will clear. Christine Keruth studied painting at Martin Seidemann at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee. is Chairman of the Gallery Frenhofer ( Further details can be found at Former Maryland Governor, an internet resource. Venue: Eva Mussener consulting & coaching Bamberger Strasse 55, 10777 Berlin phone: + 49 30 2630 4868 which invites artist a 12 12, from 12: 00-14:00 after telephone registration (017651605860) to a Studio visit on Sunday.

Rodnovery Mokos

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Listen to yourself, try and let yourself sing! It is important that each of the priests, possessing a unique method, urged people that it can learn each. Immediately conducted master classes, where people learn new skills. People felt a great joy and faith in themselves, when they saw what they do is beautiful to sing, hold hands through live, acquire sacred meaning of the symbols of Slavic embroidery, create positive images connected with his birth, to move gracefully in dances. – A lot of information to digest all this necessary, lay, – shared her Alla impressions of Khmelnitsky. – Exciting opportunity to work on yourself. So parted scope of work, relationships, looking for his half, the future. According to Ultra Wellness Center, who has experience with these questions. I want to live, to live life …

Many people who come to the festival just out of curiosity, decided to become rodnoverami. Ceremonies naming a few priests committed every day. Here’s how to tell about his decision to Julia from Kiev, which adopted the name of Harmony: – In Kiev, I visited the temple as a guest. But not have the feeling that this is what I want to live. I came here to feel what it’s like my soul will resonate with this. Everything I’ve heard here, echoed in me as the truth. I realized that here are these people doing what they want to convey the world – is important, significant, and the world needs.

I really wanted to be the same. Celebration of the festival was crowned Rozhanitsy Rozhanitsy holiday, which is traditionally held by the Slavs September 8 (soon to this day Sunday). This is a celebration of Mother Earth, giving the crop that generates life. At the venue of the ceremony brought a fruit women, girls wove wreaths and wore white dresses. During the ceremony women did three laps around the fire: the first – unmarried girls in the second – women who already have children and are planning to give birth to another in the third – the elderly woman. Rodnovery Mokos praised Mother, bowed to her, touched her hands to the ground. Then rite moved to the sea. Very surprised to have been sunbathing resort visitors, when on the beach, several hundred people in white robes embroidered with fruit in their hands. Rodnovery went up to his waist in the sea and brought the gift of water, fruit, and asked blessings for the year. Then everyone returned to the place of the rite, consecrated to taste fruit and bread. For many impressions of the festival – the brightest. – When, during the rite priests appealed to the native gods, people were crying, and I’m including – said Vitaly Nikolaev from. – These words touched the most delicate chord in the soul. Many of us have never heard such warm and kind words even from parents. I thought about my parents, about their ancestors. After these rituals are soul-searching. I have been in forty countries and all countries have heard national music just in cafes and bars. And we go – disco music. I see that our culture does not exist. If people forget their culture, nation degrades and disappears. The festival showed that the revival of Slavic culture and the native Orthodox faith – an irreversible process, which captures more and more people of different ages, uniting the Slavic world.