Monthly Archives: April 2019

Lovely Women

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From childhood, most of you, dear women, get from their mothers, grandmothers, fathers and installation, to be real smart. You should eat well and listen to seniors – in early childhood. You should eat well, to clean up after a toy and listen to seniors – to kindergarten age. You should normally eat, clean up their belongings, study well and help a senior – at school age. You should get an education, get a job listen to the elders and help them – in a mature youth. And then, you have a good marriage and lead a decent life married ladies, faithfulness family hearth as a whole and mother to her husband in particular. So, what happens? You are told from childhood irrefutable, immutable dogma, which, on presentation of your relatives, you should follow blindly, without beginning to question under any circumstances. And if suddenly, some sheep, stands out from the flock and fighting off the maternal and paternal hands, she immediately labeled as to which lives an unhappy sheep, fiercely resisting and denying, adnate to the stigma of it.

For instance, if a girl does not find a mate and not will get a wedding ring to thirty-five years, she became the owner, unflattering title of 'old maid'. And any of your even the slightest disruption, would be regarded as sexual dissatisfaction, and with absolutely all, from your relatives and friends, and ending with her friends, colleagues and co-workers. And look at this unfortunate, as will be the 'blue stocking' or even worse, as a frigid bitch-old man-hater. Or vice versa.

Sale Of Showers Through The Online Store

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It is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not possess Internet. Modern man has become increasingly committed to buying through the Internet. Since it is convenient (you can view photos of interest to products or goods, ensconced in a comfortable chair at home or moving away from the workplace, with no running from store to store in a slushy winter weather or summer heat insane). All these criteria apply to the showers. They can, like any other item to consider in detail on the site.

Compare with other products of this kind. View analoginy goods in other shops, all in a comfortable armchair at home with mug of hot tea or directly from the workplace in the office. Each online store for the shower will be given a list of specifications and descriptions. That fully disclose the possibility and potential of any shower consult an advisor for the presence of a shower in a warehouse, its specifications and custom properties. Find information about delivery and installation of the shower in my bathroom. So as to obtain complete information about the recommendations for the care of a shower, to serve his master long and reliably bringing happiness, joy and pleasure of bathing in the shower. Read more here: Martin O?Malley. Another advantage and convenience for the buyer shower over the Internet, is the price! Which is often considerably lower than similar goods in retail stores, plumbing.

And this is obvious: the online shop does not spend money for rental of premises, do not spend funds for a large staff and purchase goods in large quantities. All this allows the owners of Internet shops do lower prices for their goods and showers in particular. Therefore, we can confidently conclude that the sale showers through the online shop – it is convenient and advantageous to the buyer in all respects. And repeat it again pluses: convenience, low prices and quick selection.


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Retailer. Its commerce operates in the regimen quarterly Real Profit? Care! Case its financier does not have available capital reserves to help in the purchases; to bank the sales and to repurchase start to daily observe the numbers that compose its acts of receiving. To verify reports of accounts in open, been successful and with above-normal delay is a process of supervision of the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE that & lsquo; logo& rsquo; it must implant. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Martin O?Malley has to say. To find which is the situation of existing insolvency inside of its business will be one of the springs so that it if does not find with the so undesirable FINANCIAL SQUEEZE. The quarterly fiscal verification of the IRPJ and the CSLL in the regimen Real Profit is clear: & ldquo; To each 90 days the net profits of this refined period after the adjustments of additions, exclusions or compensations, will more have application of 15% for collect of IRPJ with 9% for collect of the CSLL, attempting against for more 10% on what to exceed profit I eliminate of R$ 20,000, 00.& rdquo; The size of this quarterly cake imagines! Companies with high index of insolvency run the risk to leave government or suppliers without adimplncia.

To control and to line up the recebveis to an existing break-even point will go to favor such eliminate. The market is dynamic and multvel, to acquire knowledge it is essential for the management of any company. To contract consultoria specialized in the subject will make its enterprise to grow sustainable. It thinks about this.. Michael Chabon may find this interesting as well.

Francisco Arias Solis

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INFANTILE MYOPIA “eyes that know this sigh that your eyes are your eyes because you look you see.” Antonio Machado. (A valuable related resource: Dr. Mark Hyman). THE BOY WITH GLASSES few years ago, the use of glasses could pose a traumatic experience for many children, who had to endure in addition to the pet name of his peers, the discomfort of a prosthesis that did not suit them. However, this rejection of the glasses has virtually disappeared, because the child that is no longer feels an exception or an isolated case but part of a large group. Many vision problems affecting children today: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, strabismus … but among them myopia seems to be gaining special importance among children in developed societies. Heavy myopia usually detectable within a few months after birth, especially if there is a context of strong hereditary predisposition.

The optical defect is so important that visual development is severely compromised and limited as only near vision. But the myopia may not be organic or congenital, but acquired it is a problem along the visual development and linked to environmental conditions. In many cases, the child myopia appears from the six or seven years, is an adaptation of the visual system to the stresses imposed from outside. It was found that among primitive peoples the rate of myopia is usually less than 1 percent, while in the developed myopia may affect more than 40 percent of the population. Some telltale signs of the so-called school myopia, but does not specify it, is the excessive approach to the child who reads what he writes. It is also significant that the child close to the TV again, shortly after having indicated that greater distance.

The best preventive measure is to subject the child to an examination of visual development to start school. But do not hesitate to do so earlier if the child has an eye deviation, look very closely, manipulates objects awkwardly, badly estimated distances frequently encountered … When children are full of school age, it is recommended a review of this type every year, or better, twice a year, before starting the course to verify that the main tool for learning is in perfect state, and another at the end of the academic year, it is possible that the visual system acknowledge the effects of nine months of effort and concentration, effects that may go unnoticed after the holidays. The change in attitude of children towards the glasses is due not only to widespread use, but also the fact that it is not the child who must adapt to the glasses, but to the contrary. The glasses now children combine safety, comfort and aesthetics. On the other hand, the lenses of compensation. They are especially recommended in cases of progressive myopia, as they allow stabilization and even regression of optical defect. Finally, treatment of myopia can be completed also a re-education, based on visual-motor training. Do not forget that visual development maintains reciprocal relationships with the general development of the child, so all the attention we devote to the vision can only be to their advantage. Because, as the poet said: “If one looks / everything that eye / see is not true.” Francisco Arias Solis where children do not shoot. Stop. In the glory do not need more angels. XIII Poetry Festival.