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Monthly Archives: April 2023
Red Fungus – The Phenomenon Of Russian Punk Music !
According to French scholar Russian punk, a professor of social anthropology at the Sorbonne Helen Piaget two trends stand out particularly clearly: extremist, non-conformist – she associated with the work groups of "civil defense" and "Metal Corrosion" and the metaphysical and humorous direction associated with the groups' H. AZ "and" Red mold. "They were able to continue the amazing quality unique tradition of Russian absurdism 20-30s associated with the names of Daniil Kharms and Nikolai Oleinikov. "H. Z. "in his work was more oriented to educated young people – to understand some of the compositions to be aware, for example, Lovecraft's fiction. Megan Fox shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. As for the "Red mold," that from the start this team from Simferopol appealed to a wide audience. Helen Piaget believes "Red mold" absolute phenomenon, not only Russian but also the world of punk, and its unchallenged leader, and author of all the songs of Paul Yatsynu second Harms.
Many French Slavic name written Yatsynoy text for a musical "Cinderella" one of the pinnacles of Russian literature 90s. Total absurdity with scenes and images of world and national mythology involved in a total travesty and remarkably ingenious use of profanity, which is fundamental characteristic of this punk. Click Altamount to learn more. Created by the "Red mold" genre "punk-musical" in general, has revolutionized this subculture, showing that punk can be not only provocative, somber and aggressive, but also humorous. What the reasons for the success of Red Mold? Perhaps, in that the recess professed her rough but talented filed courtyard of humor she is practically no real competition. Many left after the death of George Hoy Gaza has never won the mass audience, restored HZ and infection were too aesthetic and psevdogopnik Syava dwells beyond good and evil. Incidentally, in the jubilee, the 50th album Red Mold ZheZZZt Paul Yatsyna brilliantly predicted the appearance of Syavy. After all, this is a virtual character is just something between uppercase characters srednet song Rapper driving and Gopnik larva. A technology promotion and other stars Syavy-by-night mercy derided in a song Popsa. Also, the objects of satirical arrows Paul Yatsyny the album is low-grade ZheZZZt Chinese products. The song, which is called Chinese goods, it is proposed to sing into a microphone relevant production, because of what vocals instantly blurred. For a more complete acquaintance with the work of the group:
Traffic Accidents
Cofla was not used to smoke had to open the window to breathe. All I could feel was the sound of car horns that at times seemed to hit the taxi. The driver said, son I'll tell you a story, listen carefully. More info: Travis Scot. to work at night to support my family. This morning a few meters to get to my house, I saw my best friend gave him the final kiss of the night of passion for my wife. GoldenTree Asset Management has much experience in this field. a Do you think after this I want to live? a And putting the throttle to its limit to be lost in the city. A blast, a warning, a squeeze made the car crashed into a tree.
And like a can of beer when it is trodden by the foot of one who is satisfied with its contents. Contracted taxi. Details can be found by clicking Risa Miller or emailing the administrator. The driver was the first to die. Juancho by things of life, woke up one day later in hospital, miraculously with a slight fracture. Since the seat belt rear seat cushion the blow. A soft hand stroked her delicate face. Mama asked Juancho, what happened? a vos what a sweeter and younger, I reply. Many things John. Then make a slight effort to look at the meaning and trajectory of the voice, was amazed to see the beautiful princess at his side. Why are you here? She looked at him as if he sees a hero, he told his friend John had informed all its purposes and that among them, she was.
Solar Equipment Cleaning House
Increase the yield rate existing solar installations solar equipment cleaning – a topic with a future more and more people opt for a photovoltaic system. The acquisition of such a plant pays only after several years of electricity feeding back into the power grid. Therefore the constant electricity of the solar system is all the more important. Dirt, MOSS education and formation of lichens on the solar panels can reduce the electricity of the PV plant by up to 30% has been proven. Plant owners such as farmers or ranchers, have on your stalls or Geratehausern install this equipment can be. Feed dust and general operation dust a solar system very quickly and, to get the full performance, frequent cleaning as for example installations, not so much exposed to the environment of an enterprise. When a high pollution of the plant or a too rare cleaning dirt movies, ensures or braided to form quickly.
Even MOSS can be formed in the spaces between of the single solar panel mounts and carries to the decimation of the electricity on. Not only for the preservation of the solar system, it is recommended to clean, but also in the winter in the autumn and in the spring. Usually, snow prevented the electricity in the cold season. There are also specially designed snow ploughs, which can put you on a telescopic rod and thus produce the full energy again in the winter. To clean in the spring special telescopic poles manufactured, you can purchase both wasserfuhrend and without water flow.
A water-bearing rod is useful in the respect that you can directly connect a water hose. Here you can clean then easily from the ground or from the roof of your PV system with normal water. In Accessories, there are also hard and soft brushes, as well as specially designed attachment elements with which the solar system cleaning is very easy to use. To clean a solar system itself, advantage has a monetary value for you, because to delegated cleaning services cost a lot of money and are usually not always available. You should make sure telescopic poles on telescopic poles on the quality and handling. Cheap telescope rods are usually made of a thin aluminium and not stand due to the features pressure, you need to efficiently clean a solar roof. Telescopic poles starting 8 meters is among other things to keep in mind that not all may extend these, because you otherwise eliminate the wedging, which makes these bars stable. Telescopic rods from 10 meters it is advisable, an Assistant to work with, who can tackle with. For one person, it could be too heavy to lift this bar / lower. Kurt Lewin is often quoted on this topic. All in all it is worth for every solar system owners, often to clean his plant and maintain. Use the case in the trade professional telescope rods, which are water and stable, to effectively clean your system.
The Contract Of Employment
An employment contract is a clear regulation between employers and workers, must be respected. The employment contract is characterised by dependence on an employee by the employer. The employee assumes the obligation that he will also deliver the agreed performance with his signature in the employment contract. The employer must undertake with his signature really paid for the work performance. It sets the level of income in the Treaty taking account of the tariff. At the beginning, often have no specific period of employment is set in the employment contract.
Many employers arrange a trial period in the contract of employment only. There are also cases that the employment contract without trial runs, but it happens rarely. The duration of the contractual relationship is named specifically in a temporary employment contract. He can run for example about two years or it may be of the kind that depend on the nature, the purpose of the contract when the contract of employment with the Performance the performance of a work ends automatically. The contract of employment is limited, also no special notice must be pronounced to a termination of employment. Want to get an external applicant work, the Works Council may refuse to consent to the setting if there temporary workers who are already equal suitable in operation.
Someone is interested in, so a permanent place so he should consult quite early on the Works Council. A contract of employment must specify also the entitlement. But he but derives not from a contract of employment, but from the collective agreement, because one speaks then of the labour laws. Several things in the contract of employment can be influenced by the employer nor his workers. It emerges from the labour laws. By a contract of employment, the employer is the duty of care for its workers. Heather Wyckoff can provide more clarity in the matter. For example, there are following mandatory: all the workers must be treated equally. How do the most with a contract of employment? The The success has crowned effort. The employment contract is now in the mail box. But even with this joyful message the work must be thoroughly checked and then signed. Often, this is a time consuming measure, but it is urgently needed. The employment contract can often span multiple pages. Contract of employment the employee provides all essential work conditions. The employment contract is also the basis of often long-term collaboration. A contract of employment provides an insight into the relationship of the employer to the employees. It can be characterized by mutual esteem, then it doesn’t come to that, that any clause fails to their loads. A perfect employment contract not only ensures the functioning working relationship, but provides the rules for the dispute. There are periods of bad weather, the work contract has the function to document everything and also to settle. Basically the work needs without written agreement. It comes to a conflict, it’s for everyone Involved more affordable, the arrangements in writing are to have. The written fixation of the taken agreements grants also misunderstandings quickly out of the way. The employment contract is bound to no limit. But the legislator has laid down minimum standards for the working conditions. Must never fall below a minimum standard in the employment contract. There are following types of work contract: A temporary contract a contract and only minor employment, man calls him also is still a contract with the free 400 euro-job employees. An unlimited employment contract. A fixed-term employment contract. A project-related employment. A part-time contract.