The objects of rigorous science have that to be essential atemporais, whose atemporalidade is guaranteed by its idealidade, it are of the cambivel and transient world of empirical science. Husserl makes the distinction between the perception and the intuition (direct and immediate knowledge, without intermediary). Somebody can perceive and be conscientious of something, however without intuir its meaning. The eidtica intuition is essential for the eidtica reduction. It is to give itself account of essence, of the meaning of what it was perceived. We cannot believe blindly what the world offers in them, the world the essences, are increased of enganosos accidents, therefore, she is necessary to make to vary imaginarily the points of view on the essence to make to appear the invariant that stops Husserl is something identical that continuously it is remained during the variation process.
In relation of the transcendental reduction, although Husserl to have worked and searched its definition until the end of its life, did not arrive at a clear conclusion. Basically it would be the applied fenomenolgica reduction to the proper citizen, that then to see itself not as a real being, empirical, but as a pure conscience, transcendental, generating of all meaning Matters, therefore, to have here in account that epoch transcendental how much to the existing world with all the tried objects, percepcionados, remembered, thought, judicialy believed, nothing modify in the fact of the world and all these objects while phenomena of experience, but also while pure phenomena, that is, as cogitata of respective cogitationes. (HUSSERL 1992, P. 22) Influence of the fenomenolgico movement the fenomenolgico movement mainly despertou interest through the 11 volumes of the Jahrbuch publication fur Philosophie und phanomenologische Forschung (Yearbook of Philosophy and fenomenolgica research). (1913-30), of which Husserl was the main publisher. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael Chabon. It not only influenced philosophers, but also on psychologists, sociologists, Pedagogos.