The grief and poverty purify the heart of man, although our weak minds see nothing of value in the universe, except the comfort and happiness Khalil Gibran belong temporarily while we are given the opportunity to live in this planet Earth where many beings are facing severe tests, including that of poverty and above all the hunger, depending on the environment, country in don’t touch you live and where this reality is given, where access to labour and consumption of food is difficult. It is of serious concern as noted by FAO that the number of malnourished in the world reach this year to 1.020 million. An exceptional and frightening figure. One of every six humans is enduring hunger, which translates into the death of five million people each year from starvation. Children and the elderly are the most affected by this tragedy, that humanity seems to not matter. The causes of hunger in the world are muldimensionales: social iniquity, the persistent increase in poverty, economic marginalization of half of countries, the deficit of environmental assets, the increase in the prices of food, warlike confrontations, the destination of edible biomass production of fuel alcohol and, of course, the consequences of climate change. We must bear in mind as highlights it, that the fact that droughts are becoming more protracted, leaves without possibilities of income to millions of families who lose their crops. This arguably that drought is one of the elements contributing to the perpetuation of poverty. Flooding, on the other hand, generate critical hits for the loss of human lives, damage to the property of the families, affectations to the living environment and levelling of crops and livestock. The economic damage caused by these two climatic phenomena are of exceptional dimensions for marginalized countries and developing, on the basis of the fact that many farm workers and owners of crops, will abandon their productive tasks impossible to restart them after natural disasters and by the inability of the State to compensate them or subsidize them.
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