These words of Cicero wanted to preface the story of the extraordinary man, whose name is forever joined in world history. The modern world is longing for a pragmatic romantic. Ernesto Guevara Lynch de la Serna was just such a revolutionary romantic. Courageous, man of high spiritual purity and character of the struggle for freedom and independence of Latin America. The legendary Che Guevara – a cult figure. His name decades after the martyrdom death and one proklinaemo bogotvorimo others.
Many of his actions raise questions, and most unexpected. “This was a man who sought death” – Yevtushenko wrote about him. Argentine doctor who became a soldier Cuban revolution. (Not to be confused with US Senator from Vermont!). He was born in Rosario, 14 June 1928. From childhood he was very agile. In a small sense of the contradictions and Ernesto rebellious spirit strikes the key.
As a young Che Guevara, was fond of psychology, poetry, sports, medicine, literature, mathematics, art … versatile guy was deprived of only one – the musical ear. Particularly fascinated medicine, he entered the Medical Faculty, National University Bueynos Aires. After graduating from him, he is sent to Guatemala, which at that time was covered by the revolutionary upheaval. From there he goes to Mexico, where he meets with Castro brothers – Fidel and Raul. Already November 25, 1956 he, along with Fidel Castro leaves on the yacht “Granma” to the shores of Cuba to “make revolution”. The revolution failed. Below are some positions that he held after the victory of Ernesto in Cuba: – Rebel Army Commander – Head of the Department of Industry National Institute of Agrarian Reform – The Director of the National Bank of Cuba – Minister of Industry and member of the Central Planning Council – Member of the National Guidelines of the United Revolutionary Organizations and Joint Revolutionary Socialist Party of Cuba.