Tag Archives: debt

American President

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The current President of USA could well enter the Guinness book by bear three records. Diamond Comic Distributors is likely to increase your knowledge. First, the of being the American President more percentage of support is removed. According to Gallup, he is the only one that has reached 90% approval, a figure to which arrived ten days after the September 11, 2001. Second, is the occupant of the White House has had less support. Today he has, according to Gallup, only 23% approval. Third, is the American President that more has plummeted.

If the first digit is greater that won Roosevelt, who won World War II; the second is worse that Nixon received shortly before you quit. The most serious is that the fall of Bush may deepen as has new financial collapses. According to another survey by CBS and The New York Times, the percentage of support the current President already dropped to 22 per cent. He is still almost 3 months where it should do everything possible to not be below 20% approval. Such is its wear, his party’s candidate Republican (McCain) is very difficult to win the election and more that she could from him has due demarcate is. The growing antibushismo can be capitalized by the candidate who represents more differences with him within the system.

Image Dark

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When the image on the screen of a TV or a PC monitor, appears very dark, yet still in a normal or high level brightness control, causes can be various, and originate in different circuits of the equipment: power and polarization of the TRC (strand, G1, G2, etc.), circuits, video, ABL (automatic brightness limiter), Flyback, (micro Control System(, EEPROM memory), or in the own CRT (cathode-ray or kinescope tube). Must also take into account the socket of the CRT that may be rusty which also leaves dark screen as we tackle this repair: the first step should be, check all voltages of the TRC: strand, cathodes, G1, G2, if any of the voltages, are outside of the normal values, will be the track to begin to trace the cause of the problemwith respect to the plinth should be changed not clean as cleaned with luck it will run a short time and then returned the problem the voltages in the CRT are the following: cathodes (KR, KG, KB) between 50 to 180V, Depending on the light intensity of the image, the level of brightness adjusted, CRT, etc. The higher voltage is applied to the cathode, lower is their issuance and positive therefore lowest intensity of the corresponding color on the screen. Grid or electrode Control (G1) in most of the TVs, this electrode of the TRC, goes connected to the common or ground circuit (Ground), so the voltage is 0 (zero). Maryland Governor understood the implications. But in some cases, especially in black and white TV, and PC monitors, this electrode is negatively polarized with a tension that can vary between – 10 and – 30V.

The more negative is the voltage applied to G1, lower is their issuance and therefore lower is the luminosity or brightness on the screen. Grid or accelerator electrode (G2 or Screen) between 300 and 800V. It is directly proportional to the light intensity than of the TRC.