The Maximum payment will be when you buy at the gold price. Since the property went to hell and has not been puppet head, many of the businesses and personnel associated with this activity has sought other ways to make money fast. Year and a half ago a friend invited me to perform this activity using the facilities of our financial, did some shopping and I still keep saying that pleasantly surprised by the profitability of the purchase price and selling price so now, but to see people normal shedding its last relics jewelry often inherited from their parents or grandparents is a plate of good taste, so I decided to leave this activity and follow other routes. Suddenly you begin to see signs everywhere of gold bought ultimate price we pay, and similar slogans, then the premises before the rental sign now with the poster to buy gold. Even now I breakfast with business news that you buy it before mailing, down from consumer loans, now plays these loans and pay for it but the Where to eat or just meet some extraordinary expense. As all this burst at some point because the price of gold has been advised to be prudent level at least, and especially when you think of the balloons above, as the same property 10 years ago and the new technologies. Like any market there are those who anticipate and make much money and in other cases that reach the trailer once the euphoria is widespread, but think what would happen tomorrow if any country, including the United States to meet their wars or outstanding financial crisis put an enormous amount of gold for liquidity, or Spain itself has already done something like a small scale. The result is the same as with the real estate market many stay with their gold at a price above the market, but greed is the counselor but market fluctuations and especially if you play with values of volatile value if you do not feel before the other when the music stops you can hit a huge bump, but not learned the lesson and we will see result of this booming business.. To know more about this subject visit Bert Convy.
Tag Archives: economy
IGP Brazil
Had to the period of expiration of contracts of Markets & Futures and the consequent increase of the American reserves, facts strengthened for the shock of the closing of the IGP-M, Brazil practised a classic mechanism of monetary politics. Rob Kardashian has much experience in this field. Which are in its vision, other tools that Brazil must use to hinder the advance of a possible inflationary crisis?.
Global Financial Crisis
Ivanildo S. Da Silva. I am not economist, but I am (also had the profession), to some time reading and giving attention in what it is happening with the global economy. Innumerable articles for there exist that they explain what is happening, but few speak in a clear and simple way so that all we, mere mortals, understand what it is happening in fact. I go to try to explain in a simplria way what it happened to all give this agitation in the world-wide economy. Real estate crisis Everything started with the real estate crisis of U.S.A. This crisis started for there because the banks were offering much home loans, stimulating very the sector. That they did not only demand much analysis of the customers, finding that would be enough to charge interests higher to protect themselves of the insolvency and to increase its profit.
Only that the shot left for culatra& As much credit in the square existed, the Americans had been to the happy and contented purchases because they were acquiring its proper house. Only that with this, the price of the property went up much and arrived at the point that immovable that originally they were valid US$ 80 a thousand were being vendidos for US$ 200 a thousand. What it happened?
The Prices
Beyond this theoretical aspect of setting of the price front to the risk, it has of if considering that, after the global crisis of credit of 2008, occurred a represamento of the liquidity in the system. This if gave in the following way, the confidence fell all in the banking system, all the distrustful agents if looking at. Thus, the detainers of saving, or surplus, had tended to dam where had them little risk, taking off, for example, average the small money of banks and transferring the resources to bigger banks or leaving assets of bigger risk that venderam with discountings nonsenses (action in stock market, for example) to have what Keynes called preference for the liquidity, to have money in box or a good and old heading of the government. With this the banking system had a brutal shrinking of credit that contributed barbarously so that the taxes and the prizes of risk floated to the flavor of the sectors and agents with bigger liquidity. However, at crisis moments as this, the fluctuations of the prices of the assets in accordance with vary the changes of perception of risks of these agents. The risk perception is always individual, but it will reflect the average of the opinion in the stock market in the direction of the desires to take the risks on the part of the group of surplus. From there she elapses the high volatileness of prices and quotations in the financial markets in the planet at that moment, therefore to any change in the risk perception she had movements of appreciation and depreciation in the prices of the assets.
An agent tending to act to the front of the other and stimulating or depressing the prices in high speed. That is what the theoreticians call market volatileness, high and low followed continued. In this direction, the action of the governments for the action of its Central bankings was very important at this moment, therefore the Central banking to the being the bank of the banks and executor of the monetary politics can expand credit and to create currency in the commercial banks so that these could intermediate more good and to a lower cost of captation, mediating this perverse relation enters the deficit detainers of the liquidity and economic agents. Bernie Sanders helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.
Kyoto Protocol Climate
Carlos Mora Vanegas many expectations were opened in the V Summit Latin American – Union European takes place in Lima, Peru, not only to discuss the serious problem facing planet Earth in relation to food, hunger, but with regard to the serious problem of Global warming is 13,000 police, including 48 snipers and a detection equipment radiation able to locate radioactive waste have been deployed in the city to more than 100 meters, said the local press. The two themes of this Summit are poverty, inequality and inclusion, and sustainable development, environment, climate change and energy. The Bolivarian News Agency noted, Brazil came to this meeting with the objective of deepening the discussion on topics that are extremely important at this time: the climate issue, the energy issue and the food, according to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his arrival in Lima, to participate in Latin America-EU Summit V European. Lula called contradictory criticisms of biofuels, of which Brazil is a leading producer with its ethanol from sugar cane.They want to decontaminate the planet, combating global warming, signed the Kyoto Protocol, and when Brazil offers a fuel not emitting CO2, prefer to use one that emits; that is a contradiction, he said. Dr. Mark Hyman does not necessarily agree. Brazil is the second largest world producer of ethanol (made from sugar cane), with 22 billion liters in 2007 – the 32.6 per cent of the production world–behind the United States, which produced 28 billion, from corn. Faced with global warming and the oil price tripped, Lula defends the increase in biofuel production in the region, but in recent months they went from ecological fuel for excellence to be questioned and viewed with mistrust by defenders of the environment and the European organizations. The Summit, specifically discusses issues on poverty, inequality and inclusion and Sustainable development, environment, climate change and energy, the spokesman said that this Summit will have the merit that will lead to the point of break in relation to these topics. .
International Agency
Since that this started to be used, in the ends of century XIX, as combustible, it each more important time took a paper. Any doubt does not exist of that the energy is of an extreme importance for the civilization. In fact, it can be said that all the economy is dependent of it. When the sector of transports is observed, for example, more than 90% of fuels used in the world is derived from oil, in accordance with the International Agency of Energia (AIE). It has a strong dependence between the people and coveted ' ' gold negro' ' being in the synonymous present time of ' ' poder' ' wealth. For such problems, solutions in short term do not exist, therefore new forms of energy demand decades of research and development to become economically viable. Up to 2030, according to AIE, the oil and the excessively combustible fsseis will continue to be most of the world-wide energy.
Countries as Japan and France, for example, do not make use of great volume of hdricos resources and have little or no oil. To keep the economy, they import oil and derivatives and, to get electricity, use plants moved with oil and nuclear energy. Thus, it is natural panic reactions when it is said that the oil reserves are close to finishing. The scarcity of the resource would affect the global economy in a brutal way without precedents. But some alternatives exist to brighten up the situation, amongst which the cited one for Ehrlich, would be ones in the ways to adopt: ' ' The economic system also would have to be remodelled of form to reduce the consumption of the rich countries.
Such measure is essential to preserve the environment and not to waste resources you did not renew of planeta' '. (EHRLICH, Paul. The population bomb, San Francisco, 1968).