Introduces the network of AlphGenius 5 publications for the highly gifted, or whose side issues from our network members are publications that we would like to recommend to all interested parties hereby. “In particular there is the following authors and works: 1 Dr. Ida diligence giftedness and gifted” (Tectum-Verlag) Ida Fleis, even gifted, has both professionally as also volunteer many years working diagnosis and advice.Her book is a valuable source of information. It helps to eliminate misconceptions and prejudices about highly gifted. Diamond Comic Distributors might disagree with that approach. “2 Dr. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Diamond Comic Distributors. of diagnosing giftedness” (Shafeeq Rahman-Verlag) the question of the reactions of parents and adults on the diagnosis of highly gifted “was so far still not scientifically investigated. In the framework of their in-service dissertation the author Dr. Karin Joder dealt thus and with many relevant questions.
“3. Christiana Kruger small people – big” (Verlag Monsenstein and Vannerdat) the author devoted himself so far less acclaimed of recognizing and promoting highly gifted children in the Preschool children and ways to promote early talent for parents, teachers and educators. (Tectum Verlag) many students access nowadays even for simple computing tasks to the calculator 4. Dr.Dr. Gert Mittring what’s going on in us if we expect”. What does this change in dealing with numbers? To approach this question, this book takes a look at the history of the Kopfrechnens and the physiological brain operations that occur at the mental calculation.
“5. Dr. Ida FLEISS, Dr.Dr. Gert Mittring figures fairytale” (Wagner Publisher) performs in a train Gert Mittring, Grandmaster of the mental arithmetic, excursions for children through the land of numbers. With her book for children and adults, the two authors want to take the children fear numbers and arithmetic and show them the numbers from a different side. More to the network of AlphGenius, these members of the network and to aspects of giftedness in children, on our Web pages: upper secondary school teacher Dipl.paed. “Thomas Hofer joins the Working Group talent research and endowment development”