Tag Archives: happiness

Happiness Is Not A Simple Thing

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It is necessary to distinguish between the pleasure of happiness and the pleasure of the flesh. We agree that these are positive moods. But the pleasure is an experience much more basic. As well as other states of joy and welcome. The ability to feel pleasure we share with many animal species. Instead of happiness is itself a human experience. Has more to do with spirituality and is usually more sublime and profound.

As a source of pleasure we can relate the biological response to many needs. For example are sexual pleasure and that experienced the food taste delicious. But beyond there are other ways in which we are not necessarily good and happy. We may be having fun or laughing at some joke funny. And yet, living a life devoid of happiness.

Indeed there are people who spend their lives looking for fun and pleasure. They like abusing liquor or eat in plenty and unbridled manner. And that added too many festivals, nightlife and too much sexual pleasure without any commitment. From certainly can not say that all these are gloating because of unhappiness. Rather the opposite, but I’m not saying that this way of life produces happiness. What I mean to suggest is that they are delivered to that way of life because they are not happy. When someone experiences a deep spiritual vacuum tends to compensate for his misfortune in the joys and basic tastes. And these may be sex, food, candy, fun, alcohol, other drugs … In spite of the effort to enjoy and laugh, these people do not get to experience happiness. They are seized by a deep and hidden misery.

Because it is virtually impossible to feel spiritual satisfaction when a certain food is lacking morality. Something that goes beyond immediate tastes are certainly needed. Happiness has more to do with the enjoyment of culture, poetry, music, namely, the practice of solidarity. It has more to do with feel useful and worthy. Y is closer to what you experience when you live love, not only erotic but love what and do what you have. When you think about the future and have ideals. When you have principles and is consistent with them. And when you have a passion and a dream pursuit legitimate. With all this, or part, a person may feel happy even in the midst of adversity. You can find out who dies and do so with a smile on his face. That is the true state of happiness. And obviously, this pleasure alone can not provide it.

Do What You Love

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Maybe you can be thinking that these issues are very interesting, but what you really need is the magic formula that would give you at this moment forth everything you need to have covered your basic needs and material … It is not something Michael Chabon would like to discuss. if that happened you could then start be happy. Nothing is further from the truth! We all know people who are economically very loose and away from what could be happy. Many of them are at the farthest point to have a happy and joyful life. If your success in any area of your life, not accompanied by a solid structure formed by the right principles, your life, inevitably, you lose respect. You will be one of those many people who are so frantic moving aimlessly necessary, thinking that the next port will be the key.

No doubt, we need order in our lives, we need to prioritize and harmonize all our areas. From useless for us to be successful in business if we are alone or achieve success in one of facets paying our prices too high in others. The greatest happiness for ourselves and our environment is to give our whole life, a meaning broad and deep as possible in each moment. Imagine a life, which provides a service to those principles for you. Imagine a job that allows you to develop as individuals and to integrate everything for you is vital. The good news is that there is something you can do and it fits perfectly with your highest values. The other good news, but you may not feel like much, is that you can do to get closer to your perfect job, you must begin now. From where you are and what you currently have.

If you want a more abundant future, begin to build a better present. Think you can do in the place and work where you are currently improved. How can you improve your service, attention and quality? How could you benefit more and more to those with whom you exchange? See if you can, and if not possible, remember that the first step get all the riches of your work, it is not doing what can be done for you, but keeping in mind today, what is the future direction you want to accomplish. If one of your first steps is to love deeply and honestly what we now do, you certainly do get what you love.