Tag Archives: work

Nelson Routines

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Resource in the broad sense is understood as the means used to achieve a target set beforehand. This meaning of resource would also include the concept of capacity, i.e. a company’s capabilities will also be resources with which this account. Resources in the strict sense will be defined as the stock of available factors that are owned or controlled by the company (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). On the other hand, the capacity would be the Faculty adequately manage resources to perform a certain task within the company. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Mark Hyman.

Therefore, in this context, capacities relate to the competence of a company to deploy resources, usually in combination, using organizational processes, to produce a desired end. In line with the definition of Amit and Schoemaker (1993), Grant (1991) says that resources (in broad sense) are inputs in the productive system and the basic unit of analysis the company internally. The same author acknowledges that few resources for independent are productive, appearing at this level the concept of capacity. Capacity is the ability for a team of resources to perform some task or activity. While resources are the source of the company’s capabilities, capabilities are the main source of its competitive advantages. But the capabilities are not only limited to organize a set of resources in a coordinated manner, as capabilities incorporate complex interactions among people and between people and other resources that make up the company. Here appears the concept of organizational routines in the direction of Nelson (1991) and Nelson and Winter (1982).

A capability is in essence a routine, or a number of interacting routines. Raven (1995) asserts that the Centre of any strategy is gaining benefits from resources and capabilities that controls the company, such as its physical and financial assets, human capital, intangible assets like brands, reputation, experience and technology. Capabilities basically are consequences of the action of the address to mobilize resources through the creation of a system of organizational routines and a culture, resulting from a process of collective learning.

Leadership Tenets

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In times of one of the tenets of leadership is – 'Do more than usual, but with less'. Need high profits, and costs should be minimal in this case. While actively seeking options to improve employee productivity and 'activation' of talent, leaders risk losing their main resource necessary for survival – key employees. Therefore, the motto can (and should!) Paraphrased differently: 'Do more and better putting as much effort as ever ': more interaction with staff, to communicate with them more to develop partnerships, trusts, paid more attention to coaching. And remember the most important: effective leadership – the key to successful employee motivation.

Otherwise, why the question about the reason for leaving the company far from the worst officers are responsible, at times, the same way – 'weak leadership'. Set clear goals, only what is truly possible. In times of crisis only possible it may be possible. In other words, the expectations should fit into the picture. Just as the company as a whole, every employee must be clearly focused in its activities. This means that the person must be able to understand the meaning of his work at the moment what to do first of all, how and for what purpose. When people hear about cuts in other and companies are feeling the economic downturn, they begin to experience fear and anxiety because they fear for their future. This is natural. To the excitement has not spread to your organization, or not passed the virus from one to another, if the process of layoffs has begun, must continue to engage in open dialogue with its employees and to set them clear goals and objectives.