Words that evidence what it has of deeper in the human being, that establishes accepted norms and values for a civilization. In ' ' ethos' ' Biblical one meets also, according to authors, this force that leads to the care of itself, of the others, of the balance with the nature and transcendente, therefore in accordance with at, God is the moral model to be followed, being the done man to its image and similarity, as well as in the NT, where in the figure of Jesus Christ ' ' ethos' ' it is evidenced in the benevolence and the love, having emanated ethical forces of conviviality that are supported by the Espirito Santo that renews the face of the Land. In the Third chapter the authors perpassam the reality of the moral in the history of the Church, that in accordance with elapsing of the generations, demonstrating as many values and customs modifications suffer, as for example in the period of the patrstica where the proximity with the event of the Incarnation arose the actions pautadas in the love, in the imitation of Christ, in the Church belongs and in the hope. Fact that can easily be observed in the contribution of Sto. Click Xavier McKinney to learn more. Augustin, writer of the time, that prioritized the love on the actions human beings, despite the same it makes this with a dualista trend. In the sequence, sc. XI he inside finds in the scholastic a fruitful period of the monasteries and university where thinking as Toms de Aquino they had contributed for the development of the Moral Theology, having as starting point the participation of the human being in the being of God, being thus innate its orientation for onipotente. Until the authors cite the nominalistas and neo-scholastic that little had added to the thought of the moral doctrine, arriving exactly to be legalist and normalistas in its teses. Click Will Blodget to learn more.