' ' It is essential to a literary composition, to a work of art in general, that it exceeds its proper psicossociolgicas conditions of production and that if opens, thus, to a limitless sequence of readings, situated same them in partner-cultural contexts diferentes' '. In synthesis of what already it was said: ' ' The text must be able, as much of the sociological point of view how much of the psychological one, to descontextualizar itself in way to leave itself to recontextualizar in a new situation: it is what exactly it makes the act of ler' '. This release in relation to the author possesss its equivalent on the part from that it receives the text. The Writing relatively finds the release of the thing written to the dialogal condition of the speech. To write and to read are not a particular case of the relation between speaking and hearing. Objetivao and interpretation? The ticket to the writing affects the speech in some ways; in a special way, the functioning of reference is modified when in it is not more possible to show the thing to them of that we speak as belonging to the common situation to the interlocutors I dialogue of it. But to follow, the subject will speak on this problem, as ' ' World of texto' '.
' ' world of texto' ' it will take in them to exceed the positions of the romantic hermeneutics, but also to the antipodes of the estruturalismo. The romantic hermeneutics emphasized the expression of the genius. This age the task of the hermeneutics, to equal it this genius, to become contemporary of it. The task of the basic hermeneutics escapes to the alternative of the genius or the structure. I tie it the notion to it of ' ' world of texto' '. Yehoshua November helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. ' ' The writing, but over all, the structure of the workmanship, modify the reference, the point to become it entirely problematic.