Are so many works in the garden in the autumn. This article tells you what tools you need for the work on each case. The Sun the wind becomes weaker, rougher, the leaves discolor and soon fall from the trees. The autumn is not only uncomfortable weather, but also lot of work for the garden and driveway. But how do you fit for the autumn their tool shed? What are work? Because the foliage is a sweep.
Clearly you need a computer. But that was not all. The blades must be somewhere, and soon the compost bin or compost is full. Star Guitarist understood the implications. Piles of leaves are agitated by the autumn wind and destroyed. This so-called leaf bags are suitable.
There is called the leaf bags, also garden bags, in different sizes. Everything is from 100 to 200 liters volume. There is which with stabilizing spirals, you nevertheless still comfortably can fold up to a flat bag to stow them on the shelf. The leaf bags are highly recommended, as through them prevents that the foliage is stirred by the wind through the air and the work must be started again from scratch. You need another tool for the port, the hedges and bushes. Inform themselves but previously when your greenhouse needs to be cut and how much recommended. Depending, you should use a hand hedge shears or an electric hedge trimmer for the work. A hand trimmer certainly sufficient for smaller works. You have to do more, worth the purchase of an electric hedge trimmer. She makes the work much easier. When working with tool on your protection. Most heavy-duty garden gloves and thick clothing sufficient for the autumn garden work. Noisy devices, you should also wear hearing protection. We summarize once again: rake, foliage bag, hedge trimmer (manual or electronic), gloves, or possibly hearing protection. With this tool and tool accessories, gardening should go quickly ahead and soon can be a warm drink in the heated living room on the couch comfortably and enjoy the autumn.