On ZA ‘Noise, listen carefully and experiment with the Threshold and Reduction settings until the noise disappears. Difference button allows you to hear only the noise being removed, if you hear anything more than noise, is that it is affecting the musical material and then it is necessary to reduce the Threshold or the level of reduction noise. Best results are achieved using two passes, with adjustments lighter, but one more reduction. ZA ‘Noise includes other adjustments that may experiment to get the best results. As in the previous stage to apply the filter, in this case ZA ‘Noise, a region important feature or musical passage and comparing, listening intently, the difference between the region and the remaining processed raw. If they’re satisfied with the result, execute Undo and then apply the filter to all file.
It is possible that at this point are consistent with the final result. But removing the main noise brings out some more subtle or less noticeable as the a rumble and hum a . To remove the a rumble is an excellent plugin Arboretum Ray Gun Pro Systems, which also includes other options for restoration. The a hum problems generated by electrical connections are effectively removed with x ‘Hum Waves. Finally, if you consider that, after noise reduction, recording has become opaque, which has lost some high frequency suggest to use plug-in iZotope Ozone 4.
Ozone 4 features a powerful combination of modules like parametric EQ, harmonic exciter to restore or regenerate the harmonics lost in filters or high frequency noise reduction, a module to improve the stereo image, etc.. You’ve completed the restoration of LP and is an optional last work. One of the great differences of digital music with music recorded on analog tape, is the dynamic range. 16bit Digital music reaches 95dB, while similar to save the problems of tape saturation and background noise, no more than 60dB. This can be corrected, if desired, with a compressor ‘expander such as the Waves C4. Using a compressor is not simple and require practice to achieve good results, but will return the drama to the music, by increasing the level difference between the sounds thin and strong. Finally we shall separate the tracks to burn to CD. I recommend leaving about 3 seconds of silence after the end of each unit and 0.2 to 0.3 seconds before the start. With Adobe Audition you can select each item and save the selection as a new file. Each track is handy if you keep it with a prefix 01_, 02_, etc., Plus the name of the item and so will be sorted automatically before passing it to CD. The restoration of an LP is a job that requires dedication if you want to achieve a sound comparable to a CD, but it certainly is rewarding and worth the effort. Gazabatt Gaston is an engineer in Computer Science and its main interest is the audio, the sound and technology. On its website related to food processors find the best councils related to the evaluation and comparison.