Monthly Archives: September 2015

Europe War

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(4.4) during the duration of the power gem. 1 (4.1) and (4.2) and unless a special agreement is gem. 4 (4.3), ending the insurance is excluded according to 15 (3). The time limit is too bad (there is not how long), and also the word “reasonable” is a very elastic term. Other insurers use concrete numbers or certain countries, where a surcharge is payable.

I would have liked that personally me here also. John Mclaughlin is full of insight into the issues. We don’t know what happens after the limitation in time unfortunately. This is certainly generally a (small) improvement, but still not ideal. In the sickness benefit insurance (KT) we found so far the limit with the Universa 3 months. Only in this obligation consisted in the non-European countries. This is now simply painted and the power are there indefinitely.

But also how bisher-only if the insured person is in a hospital. The law allowed abortion abortion, war and terror events now also belongs to the ersatttungsfahigen expenses. It costs will be reimbursed thus in the contractual scope. There were more changes exclusions to war and terror events. This now reads in the Versicherungsgedingungen. Previously the exclusion According to 5 (1) and it services for treatment and consequences of war events were not insured. This was generally and the word terror was not mentioned. Now this is relativized and complements and is now: (1.1) during the first two months of a temporary stay abroad outside Europe is provided for such illnesses including its consequences, as well as for consequences of accidents caused by war events. No war events in the sense of 5 (1) a) are terrorist attacks. Overall that the Universa health insurance therefore in consideration a whole lot further moves forward. I personally would have liked even a contract closer fixation of the collective right to change, but you can’t have everything Yes also. Not only for the insured of the Universa, but especially for all new customers and car buyers here quite clearly shows, how many areas to keep in mind. A (non-exhaustive) list of the points of Tariff selection can be found here: selection criteria for the PKV fare choice

KEH Central

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a.) a change within the society is always to think about where we here have a special situation, since the amendments affect individual rates but a variety changes within the central health insurance. However, a change within the Central is possible. O’Malley for President pursues this goal as well. To improve the services, is a new health check to complete, unless there be a option rights. Customers in the tariff KEH Central, have the right to change. 1.1 expansion of 1 para 6 RB/KK 2009 can people, for after a training plan for the first time at the Central a comprehensive health insurance completes with the KEH price apart from the co-insurance as a child or a teenager or the insurance, for the first the 37th or 61st month insurance tariff KEH require conversion of insurance in other tariffs of the comprehensive health insurance of the Central without re-examination of risk and without further waiting, subject to the conditions for the eligibility in the proposed tariff.

You are assured that already 2 or 5 years, so you exercise the right to change when necessary and appropriate target rate. This ensures them a different and possibly better insurance coverage even if you are already sick.

Network Marketing

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Which is the most effective form to promote your business multilevel? I am certainly you as the majority of the people you promote your business multilevel standing out the benefits of the plan of compensation of your company (whatever this is). Or perhaps you promote the attractive and exclusive qualities of the product or service that your company handles. Or it even can be that promotions the benefits that a business of this type offers, for example: financial freedom, freedom of time, to be your own head, to generate income working from your house by Internet, to only generate income working half time, etc. A leading source for info: Ultra Wellness Center. Nevertheless the true question, is here if really these forms of promotion are best and the most effective ones to present/display the business to a prospectus. The answer doubtlessly is no. I absolutely repeat Very simple no. the first reason is that everybody promotes its business in the same way multilevel, that is to say, all the companies say to have the best plan of compensation, or best and the most original ones products, which takes to disorient to the prospectus in the process to make a decision in favor of one or the other company.

Djame ponrtelo in this way if all they say to me that they have the best plan of compensation and best products then To who I create to him? What the great majority of the entrepreneurs does not reach to understand, is that the secret of a business multilevel does not reside nor in its plan of compensation, nor in the type of products that are handled. The secret of a business multilevel is in two fundamental aspects, which you will have to promote before any other thing. John Mclaughlin shines more light on the discussion. These two fundamental aspects are: 1 – required Time to reach a positive flow of money.

Social Networks

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The pharmacy can sell products wholesale. Risa Miller may find this interesting as well. For Asefarma, one of the Adviser? ace of Gesti? active n of Pharmacies l? deres of ours pa? s ( the answer is white and in bottle: It cannot. The pharmacy office is dedicated retail to the commerce, and pr? ctica of sales wholesale est? prohibited in this type of establishments? , as it explains Carlos Garc? to Mauri? or, its Partner-Director. The roundness of Asefarma in this aspect must to the proposal that? ltimamente est? being very habitual between the pharmacy offices and that absolutely adjust to the effective legality. One is the offer done to different offices from pharmacy on the part of a third party that proclaims distributor and that it offers to the pharmacy the possibility that wholesaler of medecine sale becomes. Mec? nica is very simple; is suggested to him to the pharmacy the discharge in Property, that requests a series of medecines? to whichever ms? s distributing and warehouses better? and soon one resells the distributor. This it does not indicate qu? use to give them? , but we know to destine that them? to the parallel commerce in different pa? ses European where those medecines are m much? s expensive? , a? it accepts Good Adela P? Rez-Victory, person in charge of the Jur Department? dico of Asefarma. One pr? ctica prohibited the business is raised of an extremely attractive form, offering all type of garant? ace to farmac? utico, an attractive yield and assuring that pr is one? ctica not prohibited by the Administraci? sanitary n. Nevertheless, with legislaci? present n, so pr? ctica est? completely vetoed to the pharmacy offices, every time? stas, when carrying out the commerce activity wholesale, being? an adopting condici? n of Almac? wholesale n and therefore carrying out the activity of Commerce wholesale. Legislaci? sanitary n is extremely clear in this sense, as much in the Law of the Medicine, like in the one of Ordenaci? national sanitary n and auton? mica and that we have analyzed in depth? , a? it accepts the expert.

Networks Social Problems

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Continuously connected to social networks can increase stress and deteriorating personal relationships. After banning the use of Facebook, Twitter, instant messaging and other media for a week, the u. of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, said that the technology had been hiding some traps.The students realized that social media, especially Facebook and instant messaging, if not used properly, can be appropriating their lives, said Eric Darr, Dean of the faculty. University, 800 students, decided to impose the ban to observe how technology affected the lives of students and teachers.The majority of the students met the one-week experiment this month and some discovered that the technology could control their lives. Darr quoted a student who felt the need to enter Facebook 21 hours a day and blocked the entry of new publications between two and five in the morning to sleep a little. A.

me sounds like addiction, said Darr, driving technological blackout applied by blocking access to social media to the IP address of the University. Darr acknowledged that students and professors who felt the need to feed his addiction to social media could have continued doing so via their mobile phones advanced, but said most had obeyed and that some were pleasantly surprised with what they had discovered. Most of the students behaved as smokers who escape after class for smoking, he said. They wanted to sneak to look at things on their smartphones, he added.But some of them discovered that they felt less stressed by not having the possibility to constantly read the States of your friends on Facebook and see that they had more time to do other things. Other students saw themselves more willing to meet in person with other students or teachers with those who normally they only communicated through social media.The student Amanda Zuck said that it did not use Facebook much, but that at first I was a little annoyed by not being able to use the web page. Zuck wrote in an e-mail that did not see great advantages in the project for her, but added that she had probably helped a friend she considered addicted to Facebook.El project allowed all members of the University to reflect on the way in which social media affected their lives. Only stopping us and paying attention we can understand it, said Darr. We can even be unaware of the important role that play social media in what we do and how do it, he added.

Harrisburg is the first University who runs an experiment like this, which probably wouldn’t be possible in larger academic institutions and a more complex infrastructure, according to Darr. The project originated the protests of some who sent e-mails arguing that was infringing their freedom of expression, added the Dean.Although the results of the survey are still being analyzed, they seem to conclude that social media should be used as the old model of interpersonal communication.

Network Marketing

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If you want to generate free traffic to your business MLM, it’s best to prospecting through social networks. It is one of the ways more modern reach not only the internet generation, but any casual user. Through Network Marketing, is the version of the 21st century of the old word of mouth marketing. Social network marketing offers the advantage of using the personal language to promote your MLM business. Services more effective and popular social marketing are: twitter, facebook and myspace, and others. Using social marketing you can promote their MLM free of charge.

As MLM confia in interconnections between users, is important to those who want to promote their products through social networks are able to maintain conversations with fans, customers. Advantages of online marketing and social marketing marketing conventional online, in the last 10 years has been the support of many businesses. In these last 2 years, social media marketing is that more is being used. Invite friends is the part more hard of social network marketing. Social marketing, is a new tool that uses the services of social networks to improve your presence on the internet. Companies sometimes invest in the handling of the presence, which includes online marketing and the presence in social networks.

Imagine if your MLM opportunities are seen by hundreds of people in a social network? Social marketing is inexpensive to operate but very productive for your business, and in times of recession and crisis like the present, is the only model that survives. Learn modern marketing strategies, and build a map of route online for your MLM business. The potential benefit that your business can achieve with a strong marketing strategy through social networks, is hard to ignore. Social media marketing is a new marketing concept, since it only has a couple of years. Social marketing, you are going to enjoy from more focused towards your site traffic, will increase your incoming links, and is going to improve its relationship with the customer and better positioning of your brand. To promote your business MLM, you should think about the social marketer for a proper internet marketing strategy. Social networking and social marketing is what more is using and should learn it now! Especially for MLM, have even developed Web of social networks that are for prospecting people, where you can create a profile and add to your prospects as friends and go update your MLM business over the same network. This type of social networks have special options for MLM. Worth internalize in the topic, since will make their MLM businesses will have the blow that were in need. You comments to any MLM company and still not alcanzaste to sell anything? Or perhaps you came not to earn enough to be able to quit your job? Learn everything you need to know to succeed with multilevel, and make thousands of people want to be in your network.