Monthly Archives: April 2016

New Environmental Funds

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Ecofonds shop in the MAP GREEN gives eco participation should be invested in up to 15 individual funds and direct investments in the field of renewable energy – solar, wind, water – as well as Green Building funds at home and abroad and so-called agrarian (specifically no food speculation, misuse of farmland for biofuels or promotion of monocultures such as timber plantations). The investor participates with only a stake in several different asset classes and thus optimises its risk-return ratio. The environmentally conscious private investors is 2,500 euros (plus 5% premium) participate in this Fund. The Fund offers an early artist Bonus amounting to 6% until September 30, 2012. Ultra Wellness Center often addresses the matter in his writings. The predicted yield expectancy is on average 7.5% p.a., the Fund duration is specified with approx. 10-12 years from the closure of the Fund.

In the funds incurred no increased fees charges. Details can be found by clicking Ultra Wellness Center or emailing the administrator. * * the Ecofonds shop assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information. Binding is alone the brochures and sales literature of the issuers Steiner & company. It is an entrepreneurial participation. The economic success of the investment and hence the success of the investment can not be foreseen with security. Neither the provider nor the Fund management company can therefore assure height and time of grants or guarantee. Economic success depends on several factors, in particular the development of the market. Legal and fiscal framework conditions can change and have an impact on the Fund.

Closed funds are consulting-intensive. The investor enters into a long-term commitment with this entrepreneurial participation. He should include therefore all relevant risks in its investment decision. A detailed description of the risks has been described in an underwriting and sales brochure. The information can be obtained on the website.

International No Tobacco Day

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The discussions at the conference There were two polar points of view regarding the degree of influence the production of bioethanol and biodiesel prices at the food market. For example, U.S. officials are convinced that development of such production does not affect on the price situation, their opponents, representing, in particular those in Africa, say the opposite. Novelist oftentimes addresses this issue. According to forecasts the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the development of biofuels the next ten years will cause grain prices rise by 5%, corn – 12% for vegetable oil – by 15%. Moreover, the number of hungry people on the planet has more than 923 million people. International No Tobacco Day observed 20 November 20 November, in most countries, noted 'the International Day of No Smoking', which traditionally falls on the third Thursday of November. The main purpose of 'International Day of No Smoking', which was installed American Cancer Society in 1977, is to reduce the number of those who suffer from tobacco addiction, involvement in the fight against smoking, physicians and society, prevention of smoking and educating people about negative effects of tobacco smoking. According to the World Health Organization, smoking causes 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 25% of deaths from coronary heart disease and 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis. Every 10 seconds in the world dies a heavy smoker, and by 2020 this time can be reduced to three seconds. In Russia alone smoking and disease, the cause of which it is a cause of death of about a million people a year.

Charged Energy

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The development of solar energy in 2007 shows a bright future, according to Greenpeace. The world market grew by 40% and in 2015 will compete in some areas with traditional energy. Despite the lost time, nature sheds even more light on what is the best alternative in the transition to a low-emission economy. Renewable energy sources have covered most of the needs of the man until the 19th century, when they were replaced by the exploitation of coal, and since 1950 with black gold. While increasing geopolitical threats to oil supply, prices rise and this comes to an end, every day is more evident how much has influenced this barbarity on the environment. Read more from Michael Chabon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. All studies have corroborated something: nature will always come. On the other hand, Governments do not seem capable of finding a solution.

For now, both public and private investment in research and development (r & d), are not in line with the urgent needs of the challenges to overcome. Time in adapting traditional energy and too many funds have been lost. Experts have reiterated their concerns about biofuels as possible substitutes, both because of the consequences this would have for the power of millions of people by the negligible performance with respect to energy expenditure which requires obtaining. Why the European Union is now reframes the idea of covering up to 10% of transport fuel by 2020 with bioethanol and biodiesel. And, similarly, alternatives such as cameras for capture and storage of CO2 lead to think that we are returning us crazy. Added to the difficulties in finding a safe disposal method contamination of groundwater and other effects; a price too high to pay. The solar energy industry, on the other hand, is a key sector in this fight. As explained Jose Luis Garcia Ortega, responsible of Greenpeace Spain, will have a starring role in the energy revolution we need to curb the climate change and reduce global poverty.

Kyoto Protocol Climate

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Carlos Mora Vanegas many expectations were opened in the V Summit Latin American – Union European takes place in Lima, Peru, not only to discuss the serious problem facing planet Earth in relation to food, hunger, but with regard to the serious problem of Global warming is 13,000 police, including 48 snipers and a detection equipment radiation able to locate radioactive waste have been deployed in the city to more than 100 meters, said the local press. The two themes of this Summit are poverty, inequality and inclusion, and sustainable development, environment, climate change and energy. The Bolivarian News Agency noted, Brazil came to this meeting with the objective of deepening the discussion on topics that are extremely important at this time: the climate issue, the energy issue and the food, according to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on his arrival in Lima, to participate in Latin America-EU Summit V European. Lula called contradictory criticisms of biofuels, of which Brazil is a leading producer with its ethanol from sugar cane.They want to decontaminate the planet, combating global warming, signed the Kyoto Protocol, and when Brazil offers a fuel not emitting CO2, prefer to use one that emits; that is a contradiction, he said. Dr. Mark Hyman does not necessarily agree. Brazil is the second largest world producer of ethanol (made from sugar cane), with 22 billion liters in 2007 – the 32.6 per cent of the production world–behind the United States, which produced 28 billion, from corn. Faced with global warming and the oil price tripped, Lula defends the increase in biofuel production in the region, but in recent months they went from ecological fuel for excellence to be questioned and viewed with mistrust by defenders of the environment and the European organizations. The Summit, specifically discusses issues on poverty, inequality and inclusion and Sustainable development, environment, climate change and energy, the spokesman said that this Summit will have the merit that will lead to the point of break in relation to these topics. .

Brazilian Development

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Brazil promotes rail investment 23 September 2009 one of the symbols of the economic development of the late 19th century was the laying of the railway network. Argentina had a railway infrastructure that linked all the country reaching to the most hidden villages. You may want to visit Michael Chabon to increase your knowledge. By you where passing routes, peoples charged life. Similarly, many villages have been killed when the locomotives stopped frequenting them. What has happened in Argentina, also it has suffered from Brazil and several regions realize about the economic consequences of wrong measures. Martin O?Malley can provide more clarity in the matter. The reality of Brazil today revolves around the growth Acceleration Plan of Lula who has set his sights in sectors considered strategic for the economy of Brazil among the leaders worldwide to locate. In this logic is that the Government has invested in petroleum with great success, as it has also encouraged the production of agricultural commodities and the development of biofuels.

And now it is the turn of the railways. The railways are being currently reassessed and recognised as an important component for the development of the regions. For the next five years, the investment plan in the Brazilian railways undoubtedly is fairly ambitious. With an amount estimated of $39,100 million, said budget exceeds the 2004-2008 period by 270%, and the funds will come from the public coffers, State and federal, from the private sector. Brazilian investment continues the world bet restructure the railway sector who knew how to reach an extension in the 1950 decade in Brazil the 37,000 kilometers of length and currently reach the 29,000 miles. Along the way, not only misguided policies damaged the Brazilian railway infrastructure but also the development that was linked to the same. Lula not only wants to recover the kilometers of lost track but it has been proposed to reach 52,000 kilometers towards 2030 in order to cover throughout the country, with investments both for the transport of loads as the passengers and fit in the logic of necessary works to boost economic growth in Brazil, growth that will require major infrastructure services for the transfer of production between the different points of the country and also take the production towards export ports.


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It is extremely important that we take care of our environment and preserve it with all possible care if we want to continue to have a dignified life in him. Do not let us warn about this need, although many times we tend to reject the avalanche of actions that we recommend. However, it is essential that we take action if we want our environment to remain as we know it. Acciona works operated, for example, is one of the global operators that take greater measures in terms of the preservation of the environment and its respect. The scarcity of natural resources, climate change and waste disposal, as well as the hole in the ozone layer, are issues that pose real threats against our world. It is, therefore, essential that everyone should do something. The operator activates takes great measures and actions, at all commendable, to give a respite to our environment. Michael Chabon recognizes the significance of this.

And it is everything that we can do porla Tierranos will be very grateful, since it is essential that we do everything at our fingertips. Acciona is fully aware of in the majority of cases the resources of the planet are finite and perishable. This means that if we consume them in a disproportionate way, end up running them in the future. This is why by which Acciona promotes the use of renewable energy sources and specializes in its effective implementation. The environment gives them thank you tend to think about our environment from an ecological point of view, and we are accustomed to hear to talk about it in these terms. However, our environment is actually the medium in which move us, like electricity, cities, water from our homes, transportation For all these reasons we can not continue risking the environment and abusing him. The planet’s resources are not inexhaustible often. Consequently, we must use renewable energies, such as solar and wind power and biofuels. It’s a safe bet in order to respect and preserve the environment.

Climate Change

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Currently, the rate of climate change ahead of all previous predictions. The Arctic does not reflect, and absorb heat, and ice melts, accelerating global warming. Ban Ki-moon stressed that inaction in this situation is impossible and called on States to expedite negotiations on a new climate change agreement. The Secretary-General called on States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take course to a green economy. Biofuels from watermelons U.S. researchers suggest using discarded because of cosmetic defects watermelons for the production of biofuels – fuels on the basis of alcohols from natural sources, which for the sake of reducing emissions are trying to replace gasoline. Juice discarded watermelons, which account for about 20%, is a source of readily fermentable sugars, which is still Unused stock for ethanol production for biofuels.

Scientists' calculations showed that the manufacturing process which would give 0.4 grams of ethyl alcohol from 1 gram of sugar per hectare plantation can 'collect' 220 liters of ethanol. Over the boreal forest looming environmental threat of taiga forests, which account for approximately one-third of the world's forests are in ecological danger. Taiga, which covers large areas of Russia, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries and plays an important role in bridging the greenhouse effect and global warming is now rapidly declining and degrading in its composition. If you previously at the taiga because of its located in the harsh climatic conditions did not affect the human influence, but now due to increased human needs taiga forests are cut down mercilessly.

Principal Adviser

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And it is said that capitalism was moving through these crises, which occur roughly every ten years. What we see today is a crisis that occurs once a century. In intensity, it is similar to the 1929. You will probably have serious social consequences in the real economy. The crisis of capitalism is comprehensive and we cannot see it only in some lines. It covers the financial crisis, the crisis of the food sector (rise of food prices), energy crisis (rise in the price of oil, the conversion of food into biofuels), the ecological crisis (pollution of the planet), the aggressive imperialist foreign policy crisis, ideological crisis, moral crisis, the crisis of governance. It is obvious that the crisis affects the global economy and not only to the United States. As the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro reflected: we have a capitalist general crisis, the first of a magnitude comparable to that exploded in 1929 and the long call Depression of 1873-1896.

A civilizational, multidimensional, comprehensive crisis whose duration, depth and geographic scope shall surely be of greater wingspan than which preceded the Wall Street crisis is impacting in Latin America. The region that managed to grow thanks to changes in its policies and favourable economic conditions a 6.1% in 2004, 4.8% in 2005, 5.6% in 2006 and 5.7% in 2007 will grow in 2008 no more than 4.5%, and in 2009, according to forecasts, less than 2.5%. According to Bernardo Kliksberg, UNDP Principal Adviser for Latin America, in his column what he thinks Latin America on the global crisis, the international crisis is a where Latin America despite the economic progress the reduction of poverty and inequality has been slow. Latin America and the Caribbean are still vulnerable to external shocks and are in situations of uncertainty the new scenario, primarily with regard to the security food stocks, said the UN Organization for agriculture and food (FAO) in information published by Adital.


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In contrast, ethanol from maize uses mature technology, and maize can be changed for food use for fuel use quickly. Frei Betto in turn reminds us, that industrialized agriculture consumes 50 times more power than traditional agriculture, because 95% of all our food products require the use of petroleum. Only to raise a cow and put it on the market are consumed six barrels of oil, of 158.9 l each. The average price of food has tripled in the past twelve months. Adds in addition, a 250% world cereal harvest that in 50 years industrialize agriculture, which increased.

But that did not mean that they put more cheap and arrived at the mouths of the hungry. Agriculture went on to consume oil in the form of fertilizers (these represent 1/3 of the energy consumption in production and increased by 130% in the last year), pesticides, agricultural machines, systems of irrigation and transport (from the trucks that do get food to the market until the dealer biker pizzas). Industrialized agriculture consumes 50 times more energy than traditional agriculture, because 95% of all our food products require the use of petroleum. Only to raise a cow and put it on the market are consumed six barrels of oil, of 158.9 l each. We cannot ignore the great energy crisis faced by many oil-exporting countries and how this has affected the prices of a barrel of oil increased lately, more when countries need agricultural products to produce energy, thereon precisely Betto highlights, that the rise in the oil price opens a vast new market for agricultural products. Before they were intended for human consumption. Now they are used also to feed machines and vehicles. The oil price increases of food simply because if the value of a commodity fuel exceeds its value as food, become biofuel. Very valid concern expressed by Betto when asked who is going to invest in the production of sugar if with same cane gets more profit generating ethanol? It is obvious, the sugar will not disappear from supermarket shelves.

World Climate Conference

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At Moscow’s rooftops appear lawns. Cruise ‘Worlds’ Baikal’ completed. Bernie Sanders may also support this cause. Summer is over: the swifts fly. eu News: greenhouse gases, light bulbs and a new standard for cars. What will climate change on the planet. Biofuels from watermelons. Over the boreal forest looming environmental threat.

Astronomers have found the dry, cool and windless place on Earth. Scientists have identified the most unhealthy places in the city. Global warming may be replaced by global cooling. In 2010 will be a new ‘environmental’ domain. Eco. Overview of events for two weeks from 24/08/2009 to 06/09/2009. What will climate change on the planet are gaining momentum climate change on our planet promise considerable problems in various regions of the globe. Sure, most from the effects of climate warming affected developing countries.

Assessing the potential impact these adverse climatic events such as strong year-old frying, drought and torrential rains on the economy of 16 developing countries, scientists have concluded that the greatest degree of natural disasters affected people Bangladesh, Mexico and Zambia. Extreme and unpredictable weather conditions have a negative impact on productivity in agriculture will lead to higher prices for basic foods, such as crops, and inflict a crushing blow to the financial position of poor families in developing countries. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, speaking in Geneva at the World Climate Conference, said that because of global warming and, in particular, melting of Arctic ice, by the end of this century, sea levels could rise by 2 meters. Thus, such major metropolises like Cairo, Shanghai, Tokyo and Amsterdam, could be completely flooded.