The citizen, evidently, does not reach 60%. asks for aid. The system of education, that is not worried where the citizen learns, but in presenting statisticians of high indices of approval, creates examination and recovery (that, in other times he had been ' ' second poca' ' , as the place, offered to that they had not been the first ones). the system says the professor there: ' ' capricha ai' ' , as who says: it approves the relapser! How if the professor, during the year, already had not caprichado? if he did not make more is because he has that to unfold itself in three or four jobs to survive. But the professor gave the maximum of itself. The said one whose he is that he did not want to receive.
Therefore the insistence: examination and recovery are prizes for the relapsers in detriment of the merit of the dedicated strengthenn ones and. The face does not know that in the life recovery does not exist. Therefore, to speak in year end it is, also, to speak in pertaining to school education that must be taken the serious one, not at the final moments of the year, but during the entire year. Therefore to undeserve, to question, to show the mistakes of a vitiated system, at the end of the year are to bring thematic a new to the end of the year. It notices well, I am not making vindication of the reprovao, only placing me the investigation: if we want learning, will be that we are not making the inverse way? We are premiando the relapser and forgetting to value what he was dedicated. Who understands of psychology knows of what I am speaking: we are giving a stimulaton that strengthens not it effort of who if it strengtove and if it dedicated and it looked for to use to advantage well the time of the lessons, but to that it wasted its time and, most of the time, infernizou the pertaining to school environment.
To this we dedicate to the examination and the recovery, as if this was important for the relapser. In compensation, what approval was strengthenn and reached, the system alone offers to one days the vacation more than. But, all good, after all, is year end! How it comes the second decade of century XXI! Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ; ;