It is possible that at the moment you notice or see a little less than post office Spam than arrives at its mailbox of electronic mail, but now the messages that arrive can contain virus of the habitual thing, according to a report of Google. The amount of Spam that is transmitted slightly reduced in August and September, according to this study. The Spam in the third trimester of the year was of a 24 percent in comparison with the same period of the last year, information based on the report. In August the virus in the electronic mails made by Google increased a 111 percent, in comparison with the same month of the last year, said the company in an official notice. Frequently Bernie Sanders has said that publicly. The system of Google has blocked a record of 188 million electronic mails that contain virus in a single day and which they have affected diverse types of network topologies. This malware is more and more powerful and it is in the messages that they intend to notify on the death of a determined celebrity, the risk under these electronic mails is quite high. This virus computer science it is possible to be triggered when the receiver clicks in an attached file to an electronic mail. For the study, Google analyzes more than 3 billions of messages process by the system every day during a period of three months..
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