

In contrast, ethanol from maize uses mature technology, and maize can be changed for food use for fuel use quickly. Frei Betto in turn reminds us, that industrialized agriculture consumes 50 times more power than traditional agriculture, because 95% of all our food products require the use of petroleum. Only to raise a cow and put it on the market are consumed six barrels of oil, of 158.9 l each. The average price of food has tripled in the past twelve months. Adds in addition, a 250% world cereal harvest that in 50 years industrialize agriculture, which increased.

But that did not mean that they put more cheap and arrived at the mouths of the hungry. Agriculture went on to consume oil in the form of fertilizers (these represent 1/3 of the energy consumption in production and increased by 130% in the last year), pesticides, agricultural machines, systems of irrigation and transport (from the trucks that do get food to the market until the dealer biker pizzas). Industrialized agriculture consumes 50 times more energy than traditional agriculture, because 95% of all our food products require the use of petroleum. Only to raise a cow and put it on the market are consumed six barrels of oil, of 158.9 l each. We cannot ignore the great energy crisis faced by many oil-exporting countries and how this has affected the prices of a barrel of oil increased lately, more when countries need agricultural products to produce energy, thereon precisely Betto highlights, that the rise in the oil price opens a vast new market for agricultural products. Before they were intended for human consumption. Now they are used also to feed machines and vehicles. The oil price increases of food simply because if the value of a commodity fuel exceeds its value as food, become biofuel. Very valid concern expressed by Betto when asked who is going to invest in the production of sugar if with same cane gets more profit generating ethanol? It is obvious, the sugar will not disappear from supermarket shelves.