Too many budding online business does not know what theme for a site (blog) to choose. I think you have to find those areas of life that bring you real pleasure, and just redirect them to the virtual world. After sharing knowledge about what you really like, is not difficult. Therefore the creation of a blog can be viewed not as a business, but as a pleasure. If you just can not decide on an idea, if you think that you do not have any special knowledge on the topic of interest to readers, I propose to start by writing your own list of hobbies – what you are really fascinated and what you really enjoy. To guide and assist you, I made a small example: 1.
Are you a professional in the computer program? Create a blog on training. 2. If you are doing some business, create a blog – a virtual likeness of your business. 3. Whether you are good at photographs of different varieties of cameras? Share your knowledge. 4. Tell us about the places – cities and countries where you have traveled. 5.
Have you had problems with weight, and you've successfully dropped a few pounds? Tell his story – create a blog about diets that you have helped in this situation. 6. And if you have struggled with being overweight, but in vain, be sure to share your negative experience – it may attract even more visitors than a positive result. 7. If the TV you have a favorite show, create a blog about them and talk with the same fans of each series. 8. Make a site about his favorite athlete, actor or singer. 9. Hobby Theater? Your site might be interested in the same theater. 10. If you prefer to watch movies, you can make your blog viewed movies. 11. Relationships with the opposite sex: how to attract the attention of a girl (Guy). How to keep the family love and respect. 12. Do you collect coins, stamps, greeting cards, soft toys, etc. Open a blog for people with similar hobbies. 13. Are there any you have a cat, dog, hamster, parrot fish and so on. Surely you have accumulated a lot of funny stories about your pets. Share them with others. 14. Do you have experience of caring for sick children or relatives? Your experience for people in similar situations can be priceless. 15. Did you have a personal problem with drugs or alcohol? Tell us how you coped with it. 16. Fond of knitting, sewing, embroidery is another kind of needlework? Then fill the blog my secrets and interesting patterns and share with his readers his secrets. 17. A lot of people every day looking for a network of interesting recipes. Whether you love to cook, if you have family recipes? 18. If you do not like to cook, but you love to attend a Restaurant – become a restaurant critic – create a blog about restaurants, where you visited. Here you can describe you visit discos and bars. 19. Your hobby – cars? Then boldly create a blog, write it interesting Reviews and advice, discuss the new models. By creating this list and join all the members of his family, including children, and half an hour you will have a long list of possible topics that before you get up does not question 'What is to create site? 'and' Which topic to choose? "