COMCO study: Comprehensive analysis Dortmund no longer current are in most cases – the company can not exactly estimate often performance and safety conditions of their internal networks, still perform regular analysis of only a few. So the last comprehensive check of the networks is according to a survey of COMCO AG more than 300 companies over 12 months in four out of five cases. 42 percent of the companies performance and safety quality was even two years and not longer tested. Only one-fifth of the surveyed companies are an exception. You had a systematic investigation carried out within the last 12 months, 9 percent of them even in the last six months. In particular, the majority restraint results that the strategies of the companies often apparently provide no performance and safety analysis in a fixed rhythm.
Because only every fifth IT – or network responsible in the COMCO survey, indicates it will regularly a comprehensive Check carried out. In every fourth case he takes place irregularly, when everyone else only in exceptional cases. And this, although only a minority of companies referred to the current status of their internal networks as well: only 23 percent believe this, however, two out of five say this is not exactly predict. Another 9 percent give a negative opinion and 27 speak at least satisfactory situation. Apparently the networks in numerous companies are a kind of black box”, says Friedhelm Zawatzky Stromberg of COMCO. The Board of Directors of the network and security specialist sees an Achilles heel of the entire IT strategies, because the user this live with the risk that suddenly instability or other performance problems in the network can develop, which interrupt then business-critical processes and thereby trigger a significant economic damage.” At the same time pointing to a second risk factor.
Security weaknesses are usually not obvious and are usually only in a systematic analysis visible”, Zawatzky-Stromberg admits. Especially when it comes to the aspect of unauthorized internal access to data, restraint was not appropriate. In this respect many companies only have a very limited protection and are likely to not know their vulnerabilities”problematizes the COMCO Board. About COMCO AG: The COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator. “” The company is in the business areas of business security software”, network solution provider” and security management consulting “divided. The Division business security software”is focused on the development of security solutions for the protection of enterprise-wide data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In the field of security management Consulting”supports its customers with security audits, consulting, and training. The cross-industry customers include renowned media companies, banks, insurance, utilities, large retailers and companies in the automotive sector as well as country and federal authorities. Agency think tank Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71