For the depressive one, to come off itself that disease is high-priority and it will give an enormous value him to that offers the knowledge him cure that it and will be arranged to in return, give something in this case of paying a money. For many other this same information totally she will be ignored, because they do not suffer any problem of depression. Here we see clearly that a same solution can very be valued by an ignored totally by others. Now, they would pay not always us by our solutions. The problem that we can have is that some doubt in that we have the solutions and others, that we are simple embaucadores.
How we obtained that the people trust us and are arranged to pay? The answer is the same of always. To give Value to Others to obtain the confidence we must Give Value of quality, also free to All, and the universe will compensate with money that value to us that stops some will be of extreme importance, although for many others it is ignored. When demonstrating to us like experts and connoisseurs of the subject, we are demonstrating to that can interchange values with us, who can trust that we will provide the solution to him to its necessity. We demonstrated it in those small and gratuitous deliveries. The Given Values do not have the same Value.
To give instructions through an electronic book to which it has a depression can have a very low cost, but needs that it will be arranged to pay a high value in money. This way the Universe works, each receives just like it gives. Value Although not in the same measurement, but multiplied. All those that they wish to have a successful business in Internet, must have this secret To give Value like one of the main ones so that the people know, it, they have confidence and they end up giving them its money to him. Dar Value implies to give the best thing if and not haggling over information. Possibly that information is dosed but never something will be promised that soon is not fulfilled. Always Both Parts Must Be In agreement. With dosing I talk about to that who suffers of depression, following the given example, will occur information of Because, del him That and of Like solving basically its problem. That was the interchange commitment. Soon in another delivery of Value a information of Diets will occur him for example. In another information one will explain the Physical Exercises to detail that could implement to improve even more. Perhaps we pruned to offer an intensive course to him on psychological aspects of the problem because one feels interested in deepening in that subject and is with desires to help others. Of this form we will be selling him several information, giving him Values in exchange for other Values that in this case stop he will be to obtain knowledge and us to obtain money. As well, we will use part of that money to obtain Value in knowledge of others and that later we will give by money to those who is interested in these new obtained knowledge. This it is a Virtuous circle that will make rich in money and happiness us help others.