A new concept in real estate management for the sale or rental of your property Lancois Doval has developed during the past 20 years, advanced services in these market segments, designing commercial and communication, focused strategies to attract the greatest number of buyers or tenants, both nationally and internationally. His deep knowledge of the real estate market of high level and his experience in the management of exclusive real estate assets and investments, have enabled them to implement a plan of expansion throughout the national territory based on a communication platform dedicated exclusively to prestige, investments and sale of business properties. In an age that can be described of transitional and evolutionary towards a demanding and competitive real estate market, and although the market for prestige properties not accused in the same negative way than others the convulsive moment that we are currently going through, a positioning is essential for the product in perfect harmony with the demand, especially in assets aimed at market segments that require a specialized global communication strategy.The added values of Lancois Doval are based on: the high degree of specialization and accessibility allows them to give special treatment that involves the management of these products, and therefore they have distinguished themselves over the years with a well-deserved reputation for reliability and discretion in all its activities. The creation of departments specialising in marketing and communication to offer a comprehensive service for the dissemination of the sale of its properties, assets and companies nationwide. Lancois Doval acts not only as a consultant and contributor if that is not configured as a strategic partner of the customer who provides a service adapted to your needs concrete, with total guarantee of quality and solvency. This company based the value of its work on the professionalism of its staff, its commitment to achieve the highest level of quality and their responsibility for actions that performs.
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