Many housewives microwave make life easier. And for business and very busy people, it was a real saving – no need to wait until warmed plate, put the cake mix in a microwave oven for five minutes and the food ready. In addition, the microwave helps you keep track of your figure and your health. For the preparation it does not require overdone fats with carcinogens in the oven saved all trace elements and vitamins. In a microwave oven electrical energy is converted into a high-frequency electric field, which is under the influence of water molecules in the product begin to move and heat up. Do not be afraid that this electric field as a will harm you.
If you buy a microwave oven in a large shopping mall, from a reputable manufacturer and all certificates and documents, then no harm will not be. Manufacturers have done everything to protect consumers. All models of microwave ovens are equipped with special protective netting on the door that does not transmit waves outside. For more information see Peter Arnell. Some models have a mute function oven with the door open, others vice versa – if turned on the oven door is locked. Microwave ovens come in different sizes. For a small kitchen is not worth buying a large microwave. Microwave ovens usually come with a volume of 13 (for 1 – 2 people) to 38 liters. There are three types microwave ovens: Conventional microwave oven is suitable for easy defrosting and easy cooking. Furnaces of this series are low in price.