Material of Reference Politics and National Program deEA; Ambient legislation; Laws of Social Responsibility; Law of Lines of direction eBases of the National Education and Curricular Parameters of the National Education. Duration 8 hours v RENDERING OF ACCOUNTS The I State Meeting of Ambient Education of the Amap counted on a net deparcerias that made possible its accomplishment with excellency standards. Partirde a planning co-ordinated for the necessary CIEA and IPA, resources eventoforam to it directly disponibilizados for the partners, having occurred through derepasse of materials. Not having occurred view or manipulation of recursosfinanceiros on the part of the CIEA or the IPA, excepting itself the value of R$ 500,00 (five hundred Reals) repassed to the CIEA for the Public prosecution service of the State, paracompra of 500 units of media DVD-R (receipt in annex), the quantitative derecursos is presented in the table below: RESOURCES AND PARTNERS FOLDER-1000- State secretary of Communication CARTAZ-500- State secretary of Communication BANNER-02- State secretary of Communication SHIRT MINI BANNER-200- State secretary deComunicao-SECOM/AP BAG LIXO/CARRO-300- State secretary of Science eTecnologia-SETEC/AP COOFFE BREACK-02- State secretary of Education COOFFE BREACK-01- College Saint Bartoloma Capitnio 01-Mineradora TRANSPORT OF SUPPORT MMX OPERATIONAL FUEL 80L-Secretariat de Estado of the MeioAmbiente-SEMA/AP OPERATIONAL FUEL 98L-IBAMA/AP CPIAS-2000- City department of Education 500 – Public prosecution service Estadual/AP LABEL P/MDIA; CERTIFIED PAPER p; INK p IMPRESSO-ELETRONORTE A4 PAPER ECHO AND FOLDERS OF PAPEL-1CX and 300, respec. – AMCEL GUA-160L- CAESA SPACE OUT DOOR- 01-SEAMA SPACE OUT DOOR-01- College Saint Bartoloma FINAL Capitnio VI CONSIDERAES the quarrel of the Environment never was a so current subject. During years scientists and activists they had been alerting to the plurisociedadeshumanas how much pelosprocessos the provoked wild ambient degradaes of industrialization of similar countries. Manchetes concerning ambient edesmatamentos crimes in the Amaznia, of hdricos exhaustions and the agravamentono hole of the ozone layer, exhaustingly had been notified without the magnitude of the problematic ones in question secompreendesse.
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