The amount of memory a microprocessor can vary from 1 to 256 or more kilobytes. The main advantage of smart-cards – encryption of data, allowing use them not only access control systems, but also as an electronic means of payment. Insurance Maps Maps of this type contain information about the insurance policy and are its alternative. Client Insurance company does not need to carry a paper version of insurance policy, it is enough to carry a plastic 'duplicate'. It is very convenient, since the pole may be needed in the worst possible moment.
Club cards One of the most effective means to identify members of clubs, bars, restaurants, etc. Besides the fact that club cards provide their holders to any benefits, the issuing organization, they are still the hallmark of the club, containing its logos and other promotional information. Cards with scratch-stripe variety of plastic cards with a scratch-off strip. They are widely used as an express payment card provider, ip-telephony, Internet, etc. The bottom line is mapping of certain information, it may be a unique number (login, pin), a secure erasable layer. Calling Cards These cards can be of several types. This is a pay phone, which are in direct contact with reader payphone cards employees to pay for telephone and other service cards that provide user access to an additional range of services provided by telecommunications companies.
Refill cards are payment cards – issued by gas stations, used to calculate the customer at the gas station. Such cards are used in cases where there is no way to connect to the customer's bank account in interactively. Payment cards are issued trading enterprises, for payments in the trademark or service network of the company. Typically, this card with built-in microchip (smart-cards). The advantage of smart-cards is high level of data protection, enhanced fault tolerance and the ability to carry out operations in the off-line. Magnetic cards feature these cards is that the information carrier is a magnetic stripe. In Basically, these cards are used to identify the user in the system. The disadvantage of using magnetic cards is their increased susceptibility to various damaging factors. Debit cards are used for conducting monetary operations by direct access to financial assets of the cardholder. The most common id cards, these cards are used for identification of the owner in the system. These can be maps magnetic stripe, bar code or card coated with a data owner (picture, name, etc.). E-wallets is a plastic card containing a built-in support for certain sum of money. Used for different purposes, depending on the features of the system issuing the card. To create an electronic purses are mostly used plastic cards with embedded microchips. Contactless smart Cards feature map data is to use the built-in microchip with no contacts on the surface of the card. The advantages of contactless cards include their increased resistance to damaging factors, high level of data protection, and no need to put the card into a reader, you simply bring it to him.