There are companies which currently are at the search for these Inc seeking to ensure growth in an environment of shrinking margins. William Davies, Threadneedle anticipates something that will happen in the market: the complicated operational conditions do foresee that many companies with problems but with interesting assets become targets of their rivals. See Michael Chabon for more details and insights. For Azad Zangana, European Economist at Schroders, companies are with higher oxygen to go shopping: the companies are in a more loose situation after months of deleveraging. Adjustments have already been made in expenditure. Now look to the future and mergers are a way to give impetus to the activity. For Jose Urquiza, director of business development of Mercer, the market encountered the difficulty of determining the value of a company after a crisis such as that experienced situation: in normal situations, it is easy to analyze the value of the company and the expectations of growth but today with consumption falling and the battles of prices is difficult. Beyond the observed difficulties, F & A market has everything to recover and grow vigorously.
Central bankers have already stated that they will maintain rates at least for the remainder of the year. Rates ascending policy does not seem to go to start shortly and can even be expected to be soft, so that the global economy will live a period of high liquidity which will further stimulate this market. The risk of overstatement of the companies will be present and will not be a negligible risk. Who will be responsible to market discipline? Horacio Pozzo the economy and markets the Brazilian real has appreciated strongly in so far this year. The extraordinary recovery of the economy of Brazil predicted what was going to happen with the Brazilian currency.
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