Professional and art at EMCC, Eva Mussener consulting & coaching under the motto profession and art organized a series of exhibitions with the aim of, people from business and art to bring the Berlin consultant Eva Mussener in her Office. The title of the exhibition of the moral is good!”is taken from a picture postcard from the first world war, where a child in French uniform on a German Pickelhaube pees. The military postal service served the propaganda bogeymen to cultivate and maintain the moral support for the war. A visit to the battlefields of Verdun was and is the occasion for a series of works in which terror and violence of war immediately opens up for the artist Christine Keruth. Discovered people than schemes, forms of equipment and vehicles on closer inspection the viewer behind the coincidence of color flow and fleckenhaften agglomerations.
The total cool color palette is almost cut again bright and blazing signals and let the Inferno will clear. Christine Keruth studied painting at Martin Seidemann at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee. is Chairman of the Gallery Frenhofer ( Further details can be found at Former Maryland Governor, an internet resource. Venue: Eva Mussener consulting & coaching Bamberger Strasse 55, 10777 Berlin phone: + 49 30 2630 4868 which invites artist a 12 12, from 12: 00-14:00 after telephone registration (017651605860) to a Studio visit on Sunday.