Secondly, the game, as opposed to learning does not bother the child. In addition, during the game boy meets world around him. Research over the past ten have shown that children who spend lots of time for the game grew emotionally, socially and physically full. Novelist is open to suggestions. According to the German psychologist Armin Krenz, the game develops in a young child all the basic qualities needed for future independent and responsible life. While playing, the child not only in its own repeats occurred events and experiences, but also subconsciously cope with the conflicts that occur in this life. A positive impact of games already manifest in childhood into adulthood.
Not played enough in childhood child less gifted. Fine, if a child who has recently celebrated its 7th anniversary, said: "I'm sick of the garden, there is nothing to do!". This is a sign that the baby is used "during the games" and ready for a new phase of life – learning phase. Practice shows that children who could play what they want, even before the school is very eager to learn, but at school they learning is successful. If the three year old child from morning till night and forced to learn to drive in various circles, not surprisingly, reached the age of six, the child is already tired of the mental work, and reaching twenty years will not only tired of the mental activity, but will also suffer from a lack of emotional and social intelligence. In communication and feelings of such a person will be very miserable.
And maybe he even would violate a sense of reality. Very often, psychologists debating whether child, communicating only with adults and not being able to play with their peers, to acquire the necessary social skills for him. There are people who think that this is possible, because the baby can be adjusted perfectly.