The following text reflects significant milestones and related laws, with no claim to completeness of the information. Purification Fig. 2: Partial formation of deposits on the brick surface – Marienkirche / Stendal intensive accumulation of dirt on the surface of mineral materials is often a protection for them. Moreover, the greening and the formation of deposits (Figure 2) change the moisture-technical and mechanical properties of the surface so that these changes are often the cause of the damage. Therefore, the concept of recovery should be included cleaning of the object. Motto “So carefully as possible – as intensely as necessary” to help find a solution for each individual object. To do this more often, the following methods: Cleaning water (superheated water) Radioactive radiation at low pressure chemical cleaning, which are tested for suitability for a particular object on the individual, the test surfaces. The reduction of salt deposits Fig.
3: Destructive structure efflorescence on the brick surface Soleil Marienkirche / Stendal. Fig. 3 shows the brick surface is definitely suffering from the effects of salt crystallization. The consequence of the pressure of crystallization, are typically much loose / friable brick surface. When used on such surfaces, only measures to strengthen them, within a short period of time (several months) was observed to enhance the process of destruction. Conclusion: do not proceed without taking action to reduce salt deposits.
The probability of success of standard methods to reduce salt deposits increased use of desalting compress intentionally selected curve screening, cellulosic fibers and absorbent clay mineral. Desalting pack must match the deliberately chosen recipe and related pore radius and the basis of their structure. In the near future you can expect to receive the results of research in the EU-funded project on the subject. Strengthening