Thus, in the biographies romanceadas, for example, the literary style, the conduction narrative and the structure of the text, the speed and the emphases on one or another aspect are prerogatives of the author of the work, that nor always correspond strict to the speed of the occurred facts. On the other hand, the official biographies, or same the life sets of documents, in a general way, search to portray for the writing the facts occurred in the history of the told lives, in trustworth way. However, what we are arguing, in the truth, it is that beyond documentary literary writing or, the biographical narrative can also be argued having in sight some analogies, that function as ' ' fatores' ' is characterized as estimated or trends of the different schools in Historiografia. In the case of the biographies of the scientists, this question can become still more complex. It is truth well that many men who had dedicated its lives to the knowledge, to discoveries and inventions, nor had always become known while still alive or even though after the death, passing obscurely for the way of the existence in the world of science and its mass-measured, the spite of its possible efforts.
Others, even so detached in the world of knowing and the technique, had lived dispassionately, without if it can verify, in its biographical notes, given ' ' emocionantes' ' the point to magnetize the attention of the public. It still has one another classroom of scientific personalities, that are the temperamentais brains, whose intempestive ecstasies construct to biographies passionals and eletrizantes; although nor always its productions as researchers can present expressividade degree the same. However, the central point of this article says respect to the emotional relation of the scientist with the knowledge for produced it, in biographical terms, arguing it validity of the job of this resource as strategy of scientific communication.