Sensational 2,475 million unique clients for the oe24 network in July 2010 after a record June with over 2.5 million unique clients possible oe24 even in the silly season”a continuation of the success rate. 2,475 million unique clients are an absolute sensation after MANOHAR in July 2010″, says Martin Gaiger, Managing Director of the oe24 network, this is the best range value of our fledgling oe24 network at all.” These data were published by the Austrian WebAnalytics ( At the top of the ORF-network (4.56 million) still prevailed, oe24 as the next largest online media offer followed at number two, followed by over 550,000 UCs less than oe24: network (1,918 million). For even more details, read what Bernie Sanders says on the issue. The services of MSN and GMX, the Herald phone book and miser are also in the top box. The offers of other media companies follow far behind: (1,392 million), the portal of the Vorarlberger Media House (1.21 million), (1.11 million), the roof offer the news NetWorld (0.95 million) and (0.9 million). The OBA publishes the current figures of the most important online offers of Austria’s monthly. As a most important statistic unique clients have established in Austria.
Moreover, the number of visits and page impressions is collected and separated with other figures, as well as roof offers (networks) and individual offers, expelled. All data under: enquiries: Media Digital GmbH Martin Gaiger (Managing Director) E-Mail:, telephone: 01 / 58811 6100 is the second largest media network of in Austria with more than 2.5 million of unique clients per month (source: oWA 6/2010). With its and portals, as well as its various topic pages is oe24 news, service and entertainment. The marketing and campaign management via the in-house sales & marketing team of media digital.