Online network for holiday accommodation worldwide owner and landlord of an apartment, a vacation home or a boarding house certainly are aware of the problem and are asking themselves more often: “How do I make my vacation object yet known if possible, and that an international audience?” Unfortunately, there are times where you put a sign on the road with the inscription “Zimmer frei” defunct. Forward looking landlords and owners of family-run hotels use the fantastic global marketing on the Internet today, to optimally utilize the own vacation property. Making preserved with only a single free sign up the possibility automatically in 3 online portals for apartments, cottages, b & BS & hotels that are owners and lessors of vacation homes to present holiday home and therefore worldwide to bring closer to a wide audience. A good all-round carefree package each landlord “he offered his vacation property in the flexible, easily and professionally can present. Novelist contains valuable tech resources. Numerous features, such as e.g. are the landlord for the own presentation of the holiday property detailed description, your own contact form or up to. 8 photographs for the own vacation property available. Absolute freedom to advertise on the own site also guarantees an optimal concentration on the essence of the holiday home.
Special offers, such as “allergy-friendly accommodation”, “Vacation with your pet” or also “last minute deals” can be offered quite separately and also calling on interested parties with only 1 click. Each portal in the accommodation network is designed, the prospective customer quickly and easily can meet his travel needs. Clarity and compact appearance, so the even the most inexperienced Internet users, whether rental or leisure, get to the target we have set ourselves as a priority. With the offered extensive help open questions of function on the corresponding portals are answered usually easy and time-saving. A visit to is nobody, whether owners or visitors the main portal of the accommodation network, which even the two other portals and, which offers more interesting information about the most beautiful holiday destinations, should miss.