modern training software for school in Tanzania for more than a year working at the Pandahill Secondary School in Songwe, Tanzania Tristan Sartorius and Yannick Dupuis. In the third generation of the Amani project they teach pupils as well as boarders at the school from the village in computer science. As volunteers, they are responsible to the school for the computer room and server system and must rebuild the system and wait. Suitable for the computer room the computer school of the Amani children village e.V. in Songe MasterSolution AG sponsors again 64 of the education software licenses this year MasterSolution Suite XL.
The software solution provides a central overview of all participants screens. All the activities are displayed in real time. Double-click Connect to each individual PC to remotely provide assistance. Tristan Sartorius, teacher at Pandahill Secondary School reports about the use of the software: The program master solution suite XL us is a big help. We have 22 computers in our computer room and a PC for the teacher. Everything is interlinked by cable and regulated with our server. Without MasterSolution Suite XL the handling would be not nearly as straightforward as it is the case today.” Also Falk-Peter Dressler and Bastian Kopcke, who give college computer courses in Iringa in the Ruaha University for beginners as well as advanced, use the software MasterSolution Suite XL since the first donation in 2009. The courses taught basic computer skills such as also the subject of Web design and the use of network administration.
Falk-Peter Dressler about teaching with MasterSolution Suite XL: we all use many of the countless features of the software solution. Important for example MasterSolution Suite XL is especially in the oversight of the many screens, while the students are working on various practical tasks. During the lessons, as well as in the free time of students this function is elementary, because edit in Tanzania students, just like in German schools, not all items, the one has provided to you. Another handy tool is the show feature that allows the teaching teachers to display their own or any screen on all other machines. Thus one can imagine live tasks on the screen without complicated theoretical explanation. Much money would have to be emitted for a projector or projector, can be saved thus just at a Tanzanian school. This is very handy for any PowerPoint presentations. MasterSolution simplifies distribution files, and tasks, which can be run on the data distribution tool very quickly. Just as easily, it comes, for example, when practical exam, to collect all files within a few clicks. Despite our relatively low performance computers we can apply easily almost all MasterSolution applications.”