Monthly Archives: May 2017

Traces Of The Earth: Algae

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Development and research put on the raw material algae – how can the algae serve as role model for the energy development? Traces of the Earth: algae use algae development and research on the raw material how can the algae serve as role model for the energy development? Plants and algae make the use of the Sun for millions of years. The sunlight is used to produce biomass through photosynthesis. It is established that photosynthesis only a very small proportion of solar energy into chemical energy, but still could and can thus enough energy saved. Managing Director of Uwe Dane of NAM Lower Saxony algae factory LLC (NAM) welcomes the interested participants to the briefing in the Berlin premises. What Habitat do prefer the algae? Single-celled algae, unicellular green algae are the simplest form of the plant. Each cell has chloroplasts, cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus in the light microscope, like other plant cells also.

Also the ability to use the process of photosynthesis their To produce nutrients even seaweed with other plants have in common. Single-celled green algae occur in great diversity of form. There are even star-shaped, spherical and elongated forms. You can find moving shapes with the scourge as well as fixed. In some species, multiple cells join together. Because they form no true tissues but with specialized cell types, they are nevertheless among the protozoa by many scientists.

Most of the approximately 800 species of single-celled green algae found in fresh water. Ultra Wellness Center may not feel the same. Some species but also on land, where they form such as the Green lining on the weather side of the trees. “Champion green algae these algae are all known, in particular pond and Aquarium owners: the green” wadding, which floats in the summer in ditches and shallow ponds, consists of certain green algae. Many single cells to unbranched or branched filaments are strung together with them. Diatoms of green-brown coating on water plants, water basin, covered stones consists of diatoms. Chromalveolate stubs be protected by pebble trays, a box match as bottom and lid. Through a longitudinal crack in the shell plasma threads come out front, which incorporated back into the cell. So the algae as a tracked vehicle moves forward. How can renewable energy from plants are used climate-friendly and sustainable? The secret lies in the energy source Sun”, because the Sun is the source of most energy sources. Plants are the raw material from which the bio-energy is obtained, and these in turn pull their energy from the Sun. From history, we know the coal mining and the use of this form of energy. Actually coal also comes from biomass. Although this was deposited in the soil very long ago, but here has survived millions of years. Biomass remains a very attractive energy source. A special attraction of the biomass is that it is the only renewable energy source, which directly all three energy services: heat, electricity and mobility meets and can deliver. The research and development needs here go further, because to efficiently use biomass to replace fossil energy sources on a large scale is an optimized bio fuel production on the one hand and on the other hand, the optimized technology of conversion required. This is where the algae plays an increasingly important role. More ideas, developments and relationships were then discussed and exchanged experiences.

Universal Mobilization

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World-wide mobilization: What to make? The launchings in the atmosphere of the resultant debris of the burning of fsseis fuels vehemently intervene with the climate and the quality of air, provoking acid rains and respiratory problems. They exist, however, technologies and processes that allow to the removal of these pollutants and the reduction of its ominous effect. The equipment most usual is the electrostatic cyclones and precipitadores, more efficient in the coarser particle removal. These equipment can be combined with more efficient devices, as the ceramic filters and of sleeves, that can remove up to 99% of the particulado material. Speaking candidly Dr. Mark Hyman told us the story. The set of measures that contribute for the improvement of the ambient conditions in the world needs the participation all the countries, this is essential, although this, measured individual can contribute for the improvement of the world in social aspects and ambient, that is, each individual makes its part. All the pointed attitudes are not conclusive and are citizens to the divergences on the part of diverse sciences and conceptions. 5,3 Energy alternatives support the practised sustainable development of planned form produces resulted significant, to unite economic growth and ambient it is the main focus of this process. Moreover, the creation of new materials of bigger useful life to diminish the rotation of products if makes necessary, attitude this that is tied with the consumption.

Diverse alternative sources of energy can be detached which are proceeding, however, of the biomass the etanis of the solar energy, the aeolian one and among others sources you renewed. The advantage of this use is exactly to reduce costs and to contribute for the improvement of the environment. The dependence of fsseis fuel consumption for the energy production certainly affects the life in the land and compromises the ambient quality, and will continue being of this skill. Being thus, it is necessary that the scientific and technological work of the current world is directed to produce other types of energy (that they are less polluting and that they cause little ambient impacts, different of oil), the calls alternative energies. The alternative energy (to the oil) is a form to produce energy electric, causing little problems to the current society, the environment and, little pollution. s on the issue. 6 CONCLUSION In the studies of the capitalist societies in the global sphere, Geography fascinates high weight, primordially when it deals with questions involving the social environment under some vises concerning the inherent adversities which context enter in guideline.

The energy consumption has led to the quarrel on the adequacies how much to the scarce future next to goods favorable to the survival. In fact, the recurrence the energy alternatives raises controversy, therefore esteem that the planet shelters innumerable power plants to be expended to the will, what it can be an mistake. In the moving one of the world-wide dependence to the oil, ‘ ‘ acomodao’ ‘ social global in generalized way, it will result later in a convulsion in search of the precious hidrocarbonizado liquid. The irrigation ditch between relation society-nature will be each wider time if it will not have measured immediate to the ambient solutions. Thus, one concludes that the strong interdependent linking between society and energy generates development in the socioeconmicas structures. For in such a way, valley to emphasize the negative factors and positive condizentes to such development, or same would have a crisis spreading in way to the main pillars it world-wide economic axle in detriment of the rationalization lack.

Banjo-megawatt GmbH

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The biomass cogeneration plant in Elsfleth going expected to be end of 2014 at the network. The banjo-megawatt GmbH as the sole fuel supplier is clear already today. Fischerhude, 25.11.2013 – the joint venture of the Koehler of renewable energy and the Hamburg energy has as future operators of biomass cogeneration plant in Elsfleth with banjo-megawatt GmbH over the full supply of the raw materials the plant agreed. The contract becomes effective with the commissioning of the power plant, which is 2014 scheduled for the fourth quarter. In the following 20 years, the banjo-megawatt GmbH will take over the delivery of 80 000 tonnes of biomass per year at the location Elsfleth. The banjo-megawatt GmbH is the largest German supplier of biomass.

With the conclusion of the contract in Elsfleth the company wins within a short time already the 3rd wholesale by the specially developed all-round carefree package”is convinced biomass heating plant. Our strength is the flexibility and reliability,”said Arnd Bruning, Managing Director “the banjo-megawatt GmbH. We tailor always with our power plant customers the full supply concepts and work closely with our in-house logistics.” Currently oversees the company 11 power plants as sole supplier of raw materials and supplies than 120 power plants throughout Germany and Europe with subsets. The biomass cogeneration plant in Elsfleth, whose groundbreaking ceremony took place on October 2, is located in direct proximity to the packing processing plant of the company Omni-PAC. The company wants to use for the production of thermal energy by 24 MW in the form of steam. The power of 5 MW is fed into the public electricity grid. THE BANJO I group the sole proprietorship Arnd Bruning E.k.. was founded in 1992 in Fischerhude near Bremen, Germany presents itself today as a banjo I group with the banjo Euromulch company, banjo-megawatt GmbH, banjo Logistics GmbH and the Bruning specials GmbH. As national and international development and provider is the banjo group I first and foremost with supplying power Bulk raw materials made of wood and has Germany established itself as market leader in the supply of biomass cogeneration plants. In addition, mulch and bark products include the wide range of products, which is currently edited by over 90 employees.