Economy Commercial Work


It is the first time that osindustriais they take the classroom conscience while such, in the ticket of classeem itself in the classroom for itself. The Brazilian Congress of Economy formauma triad, together with the Brazilian Congress of the Industry (So Paulo, 1944) and the Conference of the Producing Classrooms (I CONCLAP, Terespolis, 1945) central Opersonagem of this taking of conscience, in the period 1930-47, dosindustriais is Robert Simonsen. Michael Chabon contributes greatly to this topic. In this way, we will worry in them about the primeiracomisso, of industrial planning 7. Brazilian OCongresso of Economy of 1943 occurred enters 25 of November and 15 dedezembro in the headquarters of the Trade association of Rio De Janeiro. Between asprincipais forces that we could elencar, the capital, the State and the work, had been represented in this Congress only the two first, not estavao represented work.

In this way, the different ones entidadesrepresentadas and the names with voice and vote had articulated a project there of the New State, in disaggregation ways. OCongresso was marked by the controversy on the economic planning, entreEugnio Gudin and Robert Simonsen, between liberalism and the private dosetor desenvolvimentismo, enters the thesis of ‘ ‘ vocation agrria’ ‘ the project industrialist. Desenvolvimentista Oplano inside of the Congress appeared in three questesbasicamente: power plants, similar development of knowledge and otreinamento for the work. Entreos more significant personages, Getlio Vargas was the honor president; Daundt Joo d’ Oliveira president of the Federacy of Trade associations doBrasil and of the Trade association of the River was the effective president; EuvaldoLodi, president of the Nacional Industrial Confederation vice-presidentedo Congress. The direction technique was in charge of the Institute of Economy Commercial dAssociao of Rio De Janeiro, in the person of its president, Daniel deCarvalho. Robert Simonsen was president of the I Comisso technique (produoagrcola and industrial), while Eugnio Gudin was president of II the Comissotcnica (circulation and transports).