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International Agency

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Since that this started to be used, in the ends of century XIX, as combustible, it each more important time took a paper. Any doubt does not exist of that the energy is of an extreme importance for the civilization. In fact, it can be said that all the economy is dependent of it. When the sector of transports is observed, for example, more than 90% of fuels used in the world is derived from oil, in accordance with the International Agency of Energia (AIE). It has a strong dependence between the people and coveted ' ' gold negro' ' being in the synonymous present time of ' ' poder' ' wealth. For such problems, solutions in short term do not exist, therefore new forms of energy demand decades of research and development to become economically viable. Up to 2030, according to AIE, the oil and the excessively combustible fsseis will continue to be most of the world-wide energy.

Countries as Japan and France, for example, do not make use of great volume of hdricos resources and have little or no oil. To keep the economy, they import oil and derivatives and, to get electricity, use plants moved with oil and nuclear energy. Thus, it is natural panic reactions when it is said that the oil reserves are close to finishing. The scarcity of the resource would affect the global economy in a brutal way without precedents. But some alternatives exist to brighten up the situation, amongst which the cited one for Ehrlich, would be ones in the ways to adopt: ' ' The economic system also would have to be remodelled of form to reduce the consumption of the rich countries.

Such measure is essential to preserve the environment and not to waste resources you did not renew of planeta' '. (EHRLICH, Paul. The population bomb, San Francisco, 1968).


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There is no doubt that the people were great craftsmen and left behind an impressive size slag dumps. Souvenirs in the form of figurines of humans and animals, with strong signs of sex, remains of bones of horses, bear, moose, sable, beaver and even a dog, said that flourished on the banks of Chicha ohotnichesvo, livestock, and found a sickle, and that agriculture was quite developed. Found seashells identical Caspian shells. It is likely that when it was here the sea strait. In ancient Siberians had water contact with the peoples of Iran, Iraq, Turkmens and Kazakhs. In different plants from different cultures coexisted and Irtysh and Trans.

Perhaps even then there were more people in close contact, which allowed to engage in marital relations, even with no close neighbors, which led to the appearance of objects in homes, on the culture very different from each other. Ample on-site finds a block of flats, found in the 2 excavation, where many found small plastic, most likely a cult that are not found in the excavations on the outskirts of the city. The first proto- there was no more than 150 years. It can be assumed that the city was abandoned and extra bulk. But found the remains of some homes, accommodate and items Sargatskoy culture – this means that after 300-400 years on the territory it's the new settlement, and also partially mastered it. Perhaps our Siberian land was very convenient place to stay. At that time the tribes there were special funeral rites, such as air or water burial (just deceased gave to be devoured by wild animals or birds.

What Are Biofuels?

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Biofuels are fuels which are derived from biomass- renewable energy sources made from biological materials. The term biofuels includes solid biomass, liquid fuels and biogases. These energy sources are quickly gaining momentum in the public and scientific worlds as a result of spikes in oil price, and the increasing need of energy security, as well as the concerns regarding greenhouse gas discharges from fossil fuels.
One example of such a biofuel is bioethanol, an alcohol created by the fermentation of sugar components of plants. It is made primarily from crops of sugar and starch. As technology develops, trees and grasses are becoming more usable in the process as well. The ethanol is effective as a fuel for vehicles in its purest form, but is generally added to gasoline in order to improve vehicle emissions and increase octane. Another example is biodiesel.
Investments and interest in biofuels are increasing. In 2007, investment in the field passed $4 billion worldwide. In 2008, biofuels provided 1.8% of the world?s transport fuel.