CDU social committees request employment contract-the book and the increase of in protected assets for long term unemployed STUTTGART. Summary of scattered regulations to the law on employment contracts to a labour code without worrying about loss of the statutory protection against dismissal, the collective agreements and the participation, calls the land Executive of the CDU social committees (CDA) Baden-Wurttemberg at their vertices program to the coalition agreement of the future CDU/FDP Government. In addition, the CDA Baden of the new coalition hopes for an improvement of working conditions in the rental and temporary work. The CDA land Chairman Christian Baumler explains, who works full time to can live by his income.” This ensures the workers Act and the minimum working conditions law.” “The Chief stresses further the CDU of workers wing: We therefore demand up to the year 2011 temporary agency work in the workers Act to absorb.” The CDU social committees are entering their program for a higher Scania assets with long-term unemployed. At this point something must change, absolutely, said Chief Baumler CDA in the views of the coalition talks in Berlin on Tuesday. The CDU social committees want more security for workers who lose their jobs. Therefore, the tax allowance in the protected asset in the SGB is II 1000 to increase euro per year. Condition here is that the old age pension assets will only be available with retirement. In addition, the self used real estate will be protected more comprehensively. The corner points program of the CDA that contains 13 demands, including calls for: a workers data protection act, cut expensive input rate, a pension above the subsistence level for the low paid, maintaining the joint financing in the statutory health insurance and limitation of additional fees on a percentage of income.
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