Construction – an important and interesting children's activities. Many parents believe that a child must play with the designers and this is correct! Designers are imperative to overall mental development child, they contribute to the development of visual modeling, teach a child to perceive the external properties of objects, their shapes, sizes. With the help of designers a child learns to create new images, developing in this fantasy. In addition, playing with meccano obtained each time is different, so it can not bother the baby. Constructors are useful not only for boys, as many think, but for the girls. Boys and girls alike need to play with the designer. Might be a different construction: boys are more like designing a different technique, while girls prefer images of animals, accessories for dolls, etc.
Most The first constructor in the life of the baby may become cubes. They can be wood, plastic, soft (so-called "crumbs") paper can be self-colored or painted in different colors. First, the child will be learn to put these blocks so as to obtain a robust design may at first she would only consist of 2 blocks in the future their number will increase. It is likely that for children, will be much interestingly not build and destroy structures. When the child is older, then he collected designs will be larger in size and consist of more details. s similar goals. For assistance, try visiting US Senator from Vermont. It will not just towers out of blocks. And here very important part in the game, love.
If the kid to show what and how to build, then the child will like it and got interested in design. Around 3 years old you can offer your child the plot constructor, shape parts can be varied. Now a lot of manufactured wood scene designers of tales, for example. It would not just designer, and game story. With 5 years of a child may be of interest to designers finer detail and more of them. Constructs that the child will have to build, will have more extensive and complex. You can either build on the instructions or invent their own structures. Suit Designers of any material: plastic, wooden, magnetic, etc. With 7 years of a child can offer designers who will help him to stay in school. For this well-suited electronic designers, allowing designing these circuits. Designers are also suitable plastic, consisting of parts with different geometry. Choosing a builder for your child, remember that it must be safe for it appropriate for the age and interests of the child. Then play with the designers could be for the child beloved and highly addictive game. Participation of adults makes games designers more interesting and valuable for Child. The child in fact can not know and do not understand the purpose of the detail design. Try also to choose the designers and quality, with sufficient detail so as not to limit the imagination of a child. Very is also important colors, the details of design should not be too bright and alyapistymi. Introduce your baby with an interesting and exciting designers the world!