All the big companies have some computer program that allows them to better manage the clientesasi as their resources, better known as programs CRM (Customer Resource Management). Management of relationships with customers, CRM, is part of a customer-centric business strategy. A fundamental part of your idea is, precisely, the collect as many information as possible about your customers, to give value to the offer. The company must work to meet the needs of customers able to anticipate an offer and improve the quality of care. Hear other arguments on the topic with Martin O?Malley. When we talk about improving the offer we refer to being able to deliver solutions to customers that perfectly suit your needs, and not as pray many opponents to these disciplines, generate new needs. Therefore, the CRM name refers to a business strategy based mainly on the satisfaction of customers, but also to computer systems that you they give support. Currently there are many systems that automate the control of the relationship with the tooth and allow you to keep all commercial tools available to sellers, who are those who have more contact with elcliente. Let’s then an example of the use of a CRM software in the process of sale of a multinational pharmaceutical, highlighting the positive influence on the benefits of the company’s use of this type of program.
Before the representatives will visit the client, in this case doctors, come into the CRM program to analyze data from doctors who are going to visit, days available, their preferences, the summary of the previous visits to this doctor by other representatives, the influence of the doctor among his colleagues, etc. All these features of the customer make program to sort the doctor into segments, depending on whether is a good client or not. As well, the doctors of the A segment will be those who have to visit more frequently, being C-segment which has to spend less time. With all data and segmentation of customers are fixed objectives, either with parameters of numbers of visits or sales level, and from the objectives representatives develop commercial techniques to optimize the benefits of the company. Thus, from the CRM program representative obtains the necessary information and preparing the interview with elmedico for best results of the business visit.
After the interview, the representative introduces a report on the program with the results and conclusions of the interview, so to have a more detailed profile of the doctor. In this way, the more known to the client, will have more resources to do to buy our products, and more likely there’s fidelizarlo, giving more value than the competition. Depending on, well, the profile the client, some offers or others are done. Also, representatives are aware at all times products available to the company, as well as news and samples that can be used to persuade the customer. Once there has been a sale, thanks alprograma CRM streamlining the stocks application, giving, therefore a better service to the customer.