Cooperative members fill up for 0.48 EUR / l (Beiersdorf-Freudenberg) once again blew the planned construction of a bio-diesel plant. The construction of the largest Slovenian bio diesel factory has been cancelled. According to the report of a Slovenian daily newspaper called to high raw material costs and low oil prices as reasons for the cancellation. The search for a decoupling of fluctuating fuel prices for the middle class on one side and the ethical discussion on the displacement of corn acreage in favor of a biodiesel production on the other, in the spring of 2009 led EC to establishing the energy cooperative of Freudenberg. Here, the Genosssenschaftsmitglieder are their own diesel producers. In contrast to biodiesel, the cooperative WINS high-quality diesel fuel that is certified according to DIN EN 590 from biogenic residual materials.
This means: A hassle-free refueling of all diesel engines is possible without the negative side effects of biodiesel. The ethical aspect, is that here no food acreage to the Fuel extraction are necessary, only straw is used as a raw material. The farmers receive for their supplied straw free diesel. In addition, the fuel that is marketed under the brand name CEHATROL is delivered to other cooperative members to the current production cost. These currently amount to 0.48 EUR / l. The model is realized first at four locations in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Invest is Bank independent exclusively with the contributions of the members of the cooperative. Wholesale l diesel consumption per year and over 30,000 will get its own petrol station. Also for investors a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg can attract EC: investing members place their capital not only in a promising technology but receive a guaranteed rate of return from the first year from mi. 3.8%. No unattractive offer in times of a global financial crisis. For more information see. Torsten Brock