Independence of the speculative oil markets stands tall in the course of Berlin 04.10.2010 – prices on the oil market with power going up since Wednesday of last week. The resistance marks from 700 per diesel of ton of and 80 per barrel crude oil must be considered broken. The dynamics that could build up in the face of full oil storage is amazing. The growing interest in alternatives to fossil diesel and heating oil, like for example the merger in energy co-operatives shows that more and more medium-sized companies want to become less dependent on oil and gas. An example is the CEHATROL fuel EC from Berlin. Here, the members are their own diesel producers.
In future four plants in Brandenburg, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as well as in three license facilities in Bremen, Bavaria and Saxony, the high-quality diesel fuel obtained from biomass CEHATROL. CEHATROL, produced according to DIN EN 590 differs fundamentally from conventional biodiesel. CEHATROL can be used in cogeneration (CHP) as well as to the Refuelling of vehicles and can be mixed with conventional diesel. To do so, Board Frank Knauer: for any company that needs more than 300 l diesel a year, a membership in the CEHATROL may want EC fuels. For even more opinions, read materials from Author. In addition to the independence from fossil fuels another unbeatable advantage is planning security at the price of fuel, because due to the statutory tax exemption a liter price is guaranteed for cooperative members by 2016 from 0.48 EUR / l. Putting a current price of 1,259 EUR / l at the petrol station in the ratio, so an annual return of 25.96% on the paid co-operative shares arises.” For more information, Helmut Uhlig