But not to forget that this library has beginning in the classroom, with the professor who reads? in high voice? for its pupils the literature book, the poem, the periodical notice, returning to a time where the alfabetizado reader partilhava with the no-alfabetizado audience the enigmas, the information, the beauty of a written text. Recriar this time, to institute other readers? the net is gone making and escapes its creators, is extended in the world, supports this project and to know so new: the letter and the book in the life of todos.’ ‘ 2 2,1 OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVE – To show the importance of the social paper that the librarian plays before the functional illiterates. Official site: Kendall Jenner. 2.2 OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC – To display the difficulties found for professional librarian when dealing with this type of public (illiterate functionaries). – To analyze the aspect of the present citizenship in the society, as form to become cliente its rights and duties.

To present suggestions of as to work with a public (illiterate functionaries) with difficulties in abstracting information. 3 JUSTIFICATION the subject the social paper of the librarian in the combat to the functional illiteracy, was chosen by pointing two subjects of extreme importance with respect to the society: the social function of the librarian, while educator and the functional illiteracy as an insufficience of the educational system, whose deficiencies compromise the proper human development, as well as social and the emotional one. Such work is justified on account of the lacks of the population, for the urgency and necessity that the society has of being helped, for, then to surpass related problems the functional education that, for certain could belong to the past. The work that the librarian develops to recoup and to spread the information is essential, however it has capacity to give itself more than, hugging other causes, as the functional illiteracy that throughout the years comes growing to each year.