Tag Archives: art and science


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But not to forget that this library has beginning in the classroom, with the professor who reads? in high voice? for its pupils the literature book, the poem, the periodical notice, returning to a time where the alfabetizado reader partilhava with the no-alfabetizado audience the enigmas, the information, the beauty of a written text. Recriar this time, to institute other readers? the net is gone making and escapes its creators, is extended in the world, supports this project and to know so new: the letter and the book in the life of todos.’ ‘ 2 2,1 OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVE – To show the importance of the social paper that the librarian plays before the functional illiterates. Official site: Kendall Jenner. 2.2 OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC – To display the difficulties found for professional librarian when dealing with this type of public (illiterate functionaries). – To analyze the aspect of the present citizenship in the society, as form to become cliente its rights and duties.

To present suggestions of as to work with a public (illiterate functionaries) with difficulties in abstracting information. 3 JUSTIFICATION the subject the social paper of the librarian in the combat to the functional illiteracy, was chosen by pointing two subjects of extreme importance with respect to the society: the social function of the librarian, while educator and the functional illiteracy as an insufficience of the educational system, whose deficiencies compromise the proper human development, as well as social and the emotional one. Such work is justified on account of the lacks of the population, for the urgency and necessity that the society has of being helped, for, then to surpass related problems the functional education that, for certain could belong to the past. The work that the librarian develops to recoup and to spread the information is essential, however it has capacity to give itself more than, hugging other causes, as the functional illiteracy that throughout the years comes growing to each year.

The Body

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Of faithful interpreter to performer independent the actor teatral comes constructing reconstructing making whose sources are multiple and for the good of this art, conflicting and contradictory. A transgressive body it is always a body that defies its cognitivas and biological possibilities, perceiving in the perscrutador crucible of its vsceras a place where still if it can take off new layers of communication and renewal (I do not believe that everything already was said). In this present article, I lean over myself on a fidget always devastates that me throughout the years in mine walked in direction the utopia of reconstructing itself in the search of new layers of communication and transformation. In my deep fidgets, I have reflected very on the possibility of a creative process to have the capacity to exceed its new generating matrix creating something, it are of itself – however impregnated itself – that it is capable to generate estranhamento in this same matrix, providing, for the shock of such transposition, something inquietante that it generates in this body exactly new possibilities of agreement and creation. The transposition has been an experimental way where I have perceived answers that directly reach the body of the actor in epidrmica sensorial way/without the rational mediation that to everything it tries to schematize and to catalogue.

The launched actor of the transcendncia, perceives its creation to separate itself of itself, however, for being impregnated of itself, he remakes the way of the creation, in what I call refluxo, transforming the creative body into body reached for the autonomy of its proper creation. The conscience of the body that exceeds the actor has that to constantly perceive, to apprehend and to work this its instrument, whose activity depends its art and its craft. The Body of the actor has been object of reflection, quarrel and constant work. To dominate this body, to perceive its possibilities and limits has been something basic in the construction of its function: the function of the actor.

The Engineering

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The definition of alfabetizao that UNESCO considers in 1958 make reference to reference the capacity to read comprehensively or to write related a short and simple statement to its daily life. Twenty years later, same UNESCO would consider another definition, characterizing the alfabetizao of functionary when enough so that the individuals can insert themselves adequately in its half one, being capable to play tasks where the reading, the writing and the calculation are demanded for its proper development and the development of its community. The qualitative functionary inserts the definition of the alfabetismo in the perspective of the sociocultural relativismo. Such definition already does not aim at to limit the ability to its simpler level (to read and to write cited simple statements to the daily life), but to shelter diverse degrees and types of abilities, in accordance with the necessities imposed for the economic contexts, sociocultural politicians or. We have that to have in mind that the functional alfabetismo this divided in three levels of distinction, that are: – Level 1: he is that one considered rudimentary, where the considered people of this level only obtain to read and to understand texts and short phrases.

– Level 2: they are those people with basic alfabetizao, obtain to read only short texts, but they have difficulties to extract information on the text. – Level 3: it is that call of full alfabetizao, where it approaches the people who possess full domain in the reading, writing, of the numbers and others. 5 CITIZENSHIP Citizenship is to substitute I for we, undressing of the egoism practising the engineering of the hope in the construction of bridges that lead to social justice. (Tadeu of the Rock) Citizenship comes of Latin ' ' civitas' ' , that it means city, was used in old Rome to assign to the situation politics of a person and its rights.


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The remain of the city, where system does not exist, searchs alternatives for the ousting of the sewers, making use of fossas individual or direct bondings in the draining system. In the low income areas, the situation is still more serious, therefore the sewers are launched directly in the streets, having led the local population to coexist a unhealthy environment. Moreover, the city suffers with constant overflows, caused for diverse factors as: clogging of the system of draining, waterproofing of the ground (either had the increasing pavement of the urban ways, either in illegal reason of the constructions, many times), absence of systems of draining in diverse places, everything this aggravated by the geographic conditions of the city, being plain of Recife next to the level of the sea having some points of negative quota, making it difficult excessively an efficient draining of pluvial waters. With regard to the water supply the city of Recife suffers has decades with a chronic rationing, had the insufficience in the amount and the irregularity of offers, beyond the unsatisfactory quality in the installment of the service. Credit: Eliza Orlins-2011. The quality of the water also becomes engaged for the occurrence of infiltration motivated for the pressurization and despressurizao of the net of distribution due to the decurrent stops of the intermitncia. The middle class coexists of amena form the problems, therefore it can construct reservoirs of storage or simply to perforate deep wells. For the low income population it remains to become accustomed it the supply schedules and to look the best form of preservation of the water, since thousands of families do not make use inside of canalized water of its domiciles (Moral, 2004). The courses d water suffers with the pollution caused for the launching from sewers ' ' in natura' ' garbage, as well as of the sewers that, even so collected are poured without the treatment due. Recently Pershing Square Capital sought to clarify these questions.

The Citizenship

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The librarian in the pertaining to school scope goes to contribute with incentive the reading, as he shows Hisses: the activities of the pertaining to school librarian very go beyond the service of loan of books and preparation technician of the quantity. When using the library as pedagogical space, librarians who work in the pertaining to school environment can significantly contribute in the interest of young and children for the reading. (HE HISSES, 2005, P. 125) the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL LIBRARIAN the pertaining to school librarian is not guard of books and other materials in the bookshelves, and yes a facilitador, therefore to facilitate to the access of bigger number of readers to books and other materials in all the forms and occasions. This professional must stimulate the reading and the research, therefore: Through the incentive to the reading and the research, the pertaining to school librarian finds a tool of great impact to develop in the students the necessary abilities for the learning throughout its lives, being instigated its imagination and supplying subsidies responsible citizens for the society to become where they live for its proper future (HISS, 2005 p.125) the pertaining to school librarian are an educator, therefore she stimulates the act to read the customers of the library and teaches that ' ' The practical one of the reading stimulated for the pertaining to school librarian can stimulate the interest of students for new knowledge, becoming the learning in more easy and interesting classroom alunos' ' (IT HISSES, 2005, P. 125). This professional is of basic importance in the construction of the citizenship, therefore she is during the pertaining to school period that the learning is forming its critical and creative identity. In this stage of the life it is elaborating the world concept and everything that is its return, for this becomes necessary the magnifying of its important knowledge and that the pupil not if limit only to the knowledge acquired in classroom. .

The Cigarette

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It is responsible for the physical dependence, that becomes the enslaved smoker of the tobacco. The farmocolgico mechanism is similar to the one of the cocaine and of the heroine. In the majority of tabagistas, the nicotino-dependence is more intense than the provoked one for the other drugs. Nicotnicos receivers exist in almost all 3centro cerebral. They more demand each time more doses raised of nicotine to produce reply level the same. It has elaboration and release of psychoactive numbers hormone, between which the acetilcolina and dopa mine, being this last responsible a for the pleasant state that the smokers feel. After it brings, the nicotine arrives at the brain enters the 9 12 seconds. The consumers of 20 cigarettes per day, with the average of 20 swallowed by cigarette, suffer 73,000 impact from nicotine per year.

None another drug acts of so siderante form, propagating 100 million annually substantiates toxic. Some factors exist that take the people to try the cigarette or other derivatives of the tobacco. The majority of them is influenced mainly by the advertising of the cigarette in the medias. In the case of the young still it is worse because beyond the propagandas for the medias, parents, professors, dolos and friends also they exert a great influence. Before the 19 years of age the young it is in the phase of construction of its personality.

Research shows that the majority of the smoking adolescents initiated to smoke exactly in this band of age, this wants to say that the main factor that favors the tobaccoism between the young is, mainly, the auto-affirmation necessity. Fashion in the dictionaries takes in them to think about: music, clothes, gostos, skill of if dressing, slangs, dances, etc. the World-wide Organization of Health to consider the tobaccoism the biggest isolated cause of illnesses and death. Massive evidence now available sample that 50 morboletalidade cause are more common in the smokers, of which half is of high risk, and enters these last ones to the majority is related with respiratory device.

The Speed

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Thus, in the biographies romanceadas, for example, the literary style, the conduction narrative and the structure of the text, the speed and the emphases on one or another aspect are prerogatives of the author of the work, that nor always correspond strict to the speed of the occurred facts. On the other hand, the official biographies, or same the life sets of documents, in a general way, search to portray for the writing the facts occurred in the history of the told lives, in trustworth way. However, what we are arguing, in the truth, it is that beyond documentary literary writing or, the biographical narrative can also be argued having in sight some analogies, that function as ' ' fatores' ' is characterized as estimated or trends of the different schools in Historiografia. In the case of the biographies of the scientists, this question can become still more complex. It is truth well that many men who had dedicated its lives to the knowledge, to discoveries and inventions, nor had always become known while still alive or even though after the death, passing obscurely for the way of the existence in the world of science and its mass-measured, the spite of its possible efforts.

Others, even so detached in the world of knowing and the technique, had lived dispassionately, without if it can verify, in its biographical notes, given ' ' emocionantes' ' the point to magnetize the attention of the public. It still has one another classroom of scientific personalities, that are the temperamentais brains, whose intempestive ecstasies construct to biographies passionals and eletrizantes; although nor always its productions as researchers can present expressividade degree the same. However, the central point of this article says respect to the emotional relation of the scientist with the knowledge for produced it, in biographical terms, arguing it validity of the job of this resource as strategy of scientific communication.