First women s Networking Lounge in Wittenberg Wittenberg, March 1, 2012. On March 28, 2012, a networking concept of a special kind starts the women’s in Wittenberg, networking lounge. Cocktails and finger food, physicians of all disciplines meet to learn about topics related to everyday practice and to share experiences. The first event in March is titled medical or career woman a (un) possible combination? “.” Balance between work and family find the women’s networking lounge is a platform doctors to interact in a relaxed atmosphere with experts of various disciplines. In addition to networking are also two lectures on the programme, giving practical advice on the compatibility of family and practice.
Dr. Ina Lipp reported how she mastered the balancing act between their activity as established general practitioner and their family life. It draws from a wealth of experience doctor working for 17 years in a community practice and mother: sets, you clear objectives, Division of labour and flexibility in everyday practice, as well as in private life. As family-friendly establishment and cooperation models help doctors, to bring children and careers in line, explains Dr. Annette Baumer. The Attorney for medical law and owner of the law firm of AescuLaw lawyers in Cologne also explains how doctors can avoid legal pitfalls in company contracts and gives views on health-care reform 2012 doctors among themselves: exchanging experiences and information doctors are not only worldwide, but also in Germany on the rise. German Medical Association says there are rising in this country already about 140,000 working doctors. But although the doctors caught up in numbers, sometimes even catching up to do in terms of managerial and strategic questions for practice management, insist they accountant Christiane Schwenke reported by the ADMEDIO tax advisory firm mbH inWittenberg.
These We want to close gap in our events”, explains the expert advisor for health care professionals. Doctors meet like-minded people with whom you can interact and gain inspiration for your own practice.” Women’s combines information, networking and a stylish ambience for an interesting, entertaining evening Networking Lounge. The series of events is supported by the law firm of AescuLaw, the Deutsche Apotheker – und arztebank (apoBank) and the Hartmann Association, the Association of doctors of in Germany. Find more information, as well as an online registration for the event on 28 March 2012 interested doctors see facts about the event dates: topic: medical and career woman a (un) possible combination? Date: 28 March 2012 start: 18:00 end: around 21:30 place: in vino Veritas, Central str. 3, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg participation fee: EUR 35 incl. VAT. Contact: Women’s networking lounge e. V. Andrea Jochum Wall Street 86 88 10117 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 22 64-0940 fax: + 49 30 22 64-0949 E-Mail: Internet: corporate profile: the women’s networking lounge is a nationwide series of events for physicians. Is the doctor as entrepreneur and Executive in the Center and knowledge around the topics of taxes, law and finance, corporate strategy and leadership, marketing and public relations, as well as career and life planning. In addition to lectures of high-calibre guest speakers, the regularly scheduled events provide a forum for Exchange of experience, networking and discussion.