The legal advice range from medium-sized companies headquartered in the country and abroad to international (also listed) large companies in all aspects of business law. A mandate care’s focus has always been in the public sector, in which the firm advises decision makers at all levels of the administration. Contact : Lawyer Dr. Wolfgang G.Renner, LL.M, Law Office Heuking Kuhn Luer Wojtek, Prince Regent road, 80538 Munchen, phone 089 54031-0 E-Mail. Site is a family company focused on calls for tenders and quality management services based in Steingaden Beratungs GmbH, Nadar & Neumann project and Beratungs GmbH Neumann and Neumann project. Its unique feature lies in the combination of Fachknowhow around services, bidding expertise and the tool for electronic quality assurance e-QSS. US Senator from Vermont addresses the importance of the matter here. “() The combination of expertise, call professionalism and electronic quality assurance is the success of our customers ‘ Neumann & Neumann that delivers what the customer himself hasn’t.
Contact: Eva Neumann, Managing Director, Neumann & Neumann project and Consulting GmbH, Krummeck road 4, 86989 Steingaden. Phone 08862-9870-0 E-Mail. Site the electronic quality assurance e-QSS Electronic quality assurance system e-QSS consists of a tripartite software program on mobile device, PC and server. A template system for the input and output of data is installed on the former. The query of the specifications takes place after school grades or it is recorded, whether the task was done good, bad or mediocre. A standalone Windows application installed on the PC monitors the synchronized checks and send, as soon as the data via mobile phone or Internet to the server were sent automatically via E-Mail of the user the deficiency list named those on principal and contractor page, as well as to the analysis database.
An unfavourable lack list can be not to hold back and not correct. The Tagesabgleich can be printed out on the spot. Any mobile device used for the on-site inspections sent the reports directly to the server with the database as a third part of e-QSS, on which is installed the software for the evaluation of quality. This creates the The development of service quality in the course of months and weaknesses in the provision of individual employees shows monthly reports with the actual setpoint comparison. Quality reports go to the agreed distribution. The server can be used the Neumann & Neumann GmbH and the reporting service, does the majority of the e-QSS users. As a standalone version at the customer is possible. Install and use can e-QSS be today almost as an app on all mobile devices. Using e-QSS touch customers can be questioned, for example, sanitary facilities according to their judgment; they give their answers via a touch screen. All evaluations, access rights, reports etc adjustments via a Web portal, which also claims, contracts with service providers or, for example, documents can be managed. Are all data on the server, changes from a mobile device is not possible. The electronic quality assurance system is certified e-QSS: According to DIN EN 13549 cleaning services: basic requirements and recommendations for Qualitatsmesssysteme contained in the ISO 2859 DIN.