Retirement age would like to must his life according to his ideas and wishes everyone enjoy finally for everything and have every time and not worry about financial concerns. Usually the financial resources available are not sufficient but”, explains Michael Hollenbach, Director of the Swiss SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG). The life expectancy is increasing and at the same time, birth rates decline. This shows that the emerging pension payments can no longer be covered by the number of workers. Alternatives are”, says the Director of the Swiss SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG).
It is still clearer that social benefits standing for the statutory pension scheme to provide are no longer sufficient and the possibilities with regard to the occupational and private pension provision cause many workers to provide additional private. To make a possibly imminent financial bottleneck out of the way, workers have basically three options: the legal Pension insurance, occupational pensions and private pensions. Private pension schemes it covers the gap that may arise between statutory and occupational pension schemes. To use them, is whether every worker and generally every citizen responsibility. Private savings include capital life insurance, private pensions, concluded with insurance companies, can include investments in funds or securities, purchase of residential property and much more. Who wants to do something against the current interest rate low, and at the same time take advantage of thing worth protected plants, relies on commercially meaningful investments, such as, for example, capital equipment for environmentally-oriented power plants, which are funded through fund holdings or bonds”, SAM thinks AG Director Hollenbach. In some cases the State old age protection pays to even a certain amount, such as “Riester” or Rurup pensions. These are forms of pensions covered with capital.
Here are the contributions and any allowances saved, to be associated to a later and set period of time with interest rates and allowances to the insured to pay. You should however keep in mind that the money provided by the State without compensation and closely examine the contracts”Hollenbach says for SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG). Where corporate age provisions, however, the employer makes a portion of pension expenditure for its workers voluntarily. They have a right to that part of their income for the benefit of a company pension plan is converted in 2002. This approach can be regulated through collective agreements and agreements at the company level. Pension goes to school and is actually in the school”, the SAM management says Group Director. And saying that only a healthy mix of measures that can ensure, to compensate for supply shortfalls in the age. For this reason SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG) opts for companies since enlightenment in Financial Affairs.